22.Mr Hwang

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The two teens exited the shelter, bowing at Jihyo during their leave and making their way towards Hyunjin's bike. The jitters of excitement and nervousness filled Felix to the brim.

"So when did you decide that this "hangout" would turn into a date?" Felix asked with a small smirk, making Hyunjin smile.

"Well, you go on dates with someone you want to get to know, right?" He answered, climbing upon his vehicle.
"But you already know me." The brunette countered, raising an eyebrow. Hyunjin chortled at the small one's confusion.

"Then I guess I just wanted some alone time with you." He gave a smug and cocky grin and Felix scoffed with a short laugh, playfully rolling his eyes as he sat down behind the elder and swung his backpack over his shoulders.

"Do your parents know you'll be home late?" Hyunjin asked as he revved the engine, requesting confirmation that what they're doing is okay.

"Mom? Is it alright if I go out tonight after the shelter?"  The brunette asked as he grabbed a snack, preparing to leave for the shelter.

The focused woman looked up from her file folder through her reading glasses. Her blazer rested on a kitchen chair, displaying the perfectly ironed, white buttoned shirt with the first two buttons undone— Felix's "my favorite mommy" necklace he gifted her from second grade was visible on her collarbone. He always admired his mothers beauty even on her stressful days.

"Where and what will you be doing?" She asked gently but with a hidden element of sternness and looked back down at her paper, writing down business stuff. Felix gulped and felt himself blush.

"I um.. a date.."

The woman immediately paused and looked up at her son through her spectacles, growing a small grin, making Felix redden further and avoid his mothers gaze.
"Is that so? And who is this lucky boy accompanying you?"

"H-his name is Hyunjin. Hwang Hyunjin. He's from school... a-and the shelter." He muttered, feeling his mom's growing smile pierce his veins.

"The boy you're volunteering for?! Alright, Felix, look at you wrapping bad boys around your finger.~" She teased and Felix groaned with a giggle. He enjoyed when his mom showed her actual motherly side.

"He's just a friend! We're just gonna drive and hang around." He whined and Mrs. Lee laughed in amusement.

"I see. Be home by midnight. Have fun, yeah? I'm sure he's waiting outside for you right now." She giggled and Felix reciprocated.

"Yes ma'am. Love you, Mom!" He cheerily stated and pranced away with clear excitement, making Mrs. Lee smile endearingly. She knew of her flaws as a mother, but she always promised herself to be supportive in order to make up for her absence. Seeing Felix beam because of a person, she felt her heart warm at his purity.

"I love you too, Bokkie."

"Yeah... yeah I told her." Felix said timidly, recalling his mother's teasing.

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