44.It's you

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Im gonna do the author note before the story bc I said so.
This is the finale chapter so I just want to say thank you all so so much for your loyalty and support in this story, it has truly meant the world to me. I got so emotional writing this part you don't even know.
I apologize if this feels rushed at all, I really didn't want to make you guys wait long so I tried to really squeeze through and lose some sleep over this HAHA
I've had a blast writing this story for you guys and I hope you've enjoyed reading it.
Once again, thank you so much. This is "Cliché" signing out, I love ya💕

Felix's pov

It's been five years since I last heard his voice. It's been four since I last saw the people I went to high school with, and three since I last saw Jisung.

I suppose it was inevitable. After high school, you go on your separate life courses to focus on yourself and it makes everyone suddenly draw away from one another. But I won't lie and say that I don't think of them. That I don't wonder what everyone's lives are like. That I don't miss all of the memories and times where losing each other was the least of our worries.
That I don't miss just being a kid, hopelessly in love with life. In love with... him

By nature, I resented him. I hated him, even. Text after text, phone call after phone call, and just... nothing. Hours on hours of being with each other, and it must have meant nothing to him. Because if it did mean something, he wouldn't have let us fade out. The only proper goodbye I received was the last time I felt his arms around me. There was no apology, no explanation, no proper breakup. He just.. left.
Initially I worried something happened. But when I saw that he was still active on social media, simply having fun with his new art friends and life, I realized what it really was. He was so caught up in his new luxury, he erased all that was representative of his old life. Even me.

I was a mess, to say the least. I thought I didn't do enough to make him stay. I thought that it was my fault because I let him go that far away. But with the more time that passed, so did my naivety and had to come to terms with the fact that some things aren't forever. No matter how much you wanted them to be.

No matter how much you still want it to be, deep down.

When he and I stopped communicating, it was like every thing I worked for crumbled. In the snap of a finger. So I picked up something new to work towards.

Even then, I still wait. I know that I shouldn't, but I always will.

Third person pov

He steadily began to pack up his numerous drawing tools and binder and made his way into the main office room.

"Mr. Kim, you requested to see me?" The, now blonde, male greeted as he walked in.

"Felix, please, you can call me Taehyung. I don't mind." The tall one sitting behind the desk said as Felix sat in the chair in front of it.

"R-right. I apologize." Felix bowed his head in turned pink in embarrassment.

"Anyways, I wanted to send you on a very important quest that will drastically help the next line of clothing we produce." Taehyung switched subjects.

"Me? But sir, I've been working here for a few months— I'm not fully trained yet-"

"I've seen what you can do, Felix. Your designs and sketchbook have not been going unnoticed by anyone. I can promise you that you're the one meant for this job. I already have faith that you will be the one to take my position as high-chair once I leave."

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