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Long chapter & lots of important dialogue ahead!


Here they were, gliding through the city on the sleek black bike that was Hyunjin's. Nothing could ever describe the feeling of when they were on this bike in the dark, city lights flashing, wind blowing through their hair, and utter freedom flowing through their veins. Felix would occasionally giggle just for the sake of his bliss in the moment, and Hyunjin would grin in response as he saw the boy's overjoyed state in the rear view mirror.

Eventually, Hyunjin pulled into the back lot of an old building, confusing the brunette.
"What is this?" He questioned.

"Just follow me." Hyunjin said grabbed his hand, leading him into the dark building.
Felix walked very close to Hyunjin, slightly fearful of this odd and unknown location. The building was pitch dark, city lights that shone through the windows were their only source of seeing the floor ahead of them. Even with that, Felix wore a concerned expression for the elder. He wasn't very fond of the engulfing shadows around him, but he allowed Hyunjin to lead them both.

"We're gonna go up a lot of stairs in a second, so just prepare for your legs to start burning." Hyunjin warned and Felix giggled with a nod.
The taller pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight to help guide their steps— and up each step they went. Felix was quiet due to focusing on his next step, but Hyunjin was quiet because of his nerves.
He was afraid that he hadn't full made up for his harsh actions those days ago and it made him feel heavy guilt. What if Felix just sis sit was okay to not worry him? What if he was still highly upset at him? The questions irked his brain like crazy, even though he knew he was likely just overthinking it all.


"Hm?" The younger shakily responded, anxious about how dark it was around him as they went up flights upon flights of stairs.

"I know I already said it but.. I'm sorry.. about.. what I said."

"I already told you it was alright, Hyun, it's okay. It's behind us now." Felix grazed his thumb over Hyunjin's knuckles.

"I know you did, but I still feel shameful over it. I said some awful things and I just— you didn't deserve any of it." 
That's when the reoccurring question came back to Felix— the one he's been asking himself since that night. He knew it may not be the right time or mood to ask, but he may as well since they were already on the topic. He grew anxious and gloomy even thinking about it.

"Do I.. do I make things worse in your life..?"

That's when the flood of guilt hit Hyunjin, when he realized how he made Felix feel and what it had caused him to question during their time of miscommunication. His gut felt like it had been punched aggressively when he finally heard Felix's broken tone towards the situation. And knowing that he was willing to "leave it in the past" and carry this burdening question, it made it all the worser.

"Felix, of course you don't. You are the most precious thing in my life right now and you have done nothing but make it so much better. I was just completely overwhelmed by my father and what he was capable of that.. I just lashed it all out onto you. I wanted to protect you from him, but it only resulted in you protecting yourself from me.." Hyunjin spoke with guilt and sorrow to his lover, hopefully reassuring him that he's done nothing wrong.

"I will admit, I was a little frightened. I've known you for years and I had never seen you that way, not even with Yeonjun. But I know you'd never hurt me, Hyunjin. You protect the people you love with your life, so I was aware that you were practically corrupted by the wickedness that is your father. That's what I had to come to terms with in order to realize that we can get through this kind of conflict."
Hyunjin stayed quiet for a moment, simply listening and taking in all the information before the brunette spoke again.

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