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Felix sped walked home, desperately needing to get ready quickly. He decided he would go to the shelter today after all. It was his only chance to truly talk to Hyunjin, and he needed to do that the second he gets the chance. Yes, he was still upset with him. But if he was the one brightening Hyunjin's clouds, he wouldn't take that away.

Lisa had told Hyunjin that Felix wouldn't be showing up today, so he would need to find his own way to the shelter. His only option was to run. He looked at his phone for the time— 4:15 p.m. . He could make it if he really booked it.


Huffing and panting the hardest he ever had, Felix finally made it to the shelter in just under forty-five minutes. His throat burned from the adrenaline and his chest pounded from the excessive exercise he just did.
"I better burn some calories after this." He panted sassily. He entered the building and met eyes with Jihyo, who expressed a confused face.

"Felix? I thought you were supposed to be out today?" She said with slight worry.

"Yeah, I uh, I feel better now, so I think I'm just gonna work through the slight allergies."

Jihyo persisted for a moment before allowing Felix to check in and make his way to the back, where the cages were. "Hyunjin's already here, dear, so the animals might've already been fed."
Felix nodded before exiting the room. He was extremely nervous to face Hyunjin again. It's been a few days since he's had a civil conversation with the male. Now facing him to do so, his nerves tingled frantically.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes before slowly opening the door to the dog cages. With a loud creak, he peered his head in slightly and immediately made eye contact with Hyunjin, who was sitting on the ground in front of Lily's cage. Felix's heart slightly warmed at the sight and thought of Hyunjin working well for the dogs and showing care for them. He silently slipped through the door and closed it behind himself before giving the Raven a slight smile.
"I see you've made a friend." He said with a small chortle and Hyunjin looked at Lily in her cage before smiling softly. "She's cute." He said and Felix hummed. A quick silence filled the void between them, neither of them quite sure on what to say. There was so much.

"I thought you weren't gonna come in today." Hyunjin spoke and Felix felt himself tense up, knowing this was the moment to seize.
"I um.. I don't know, I guess I just—"

"Wanted to talk?" Hyunjin finished his sentence and Felix nodded. "Then let's talk." Hyunjin gave a slight smile and Felix took a deep breath before walking near Hyunjin and opening Lily's cage. This was often a time that the dogs are sleeping after a few hours of being outside, but Lily always had energy to be in Felix's arms. He smiled as the cury-haired pup ran to his leg and began jumping up to be be carried. He scooped her small body into his arms and sat down on the side of the cage, facing away from Hyunjin but still available to speak and listen.

Before speaking, Hyunjin took an unconscious second to admire the boy with the pup. His flawless side profile showing joy with the animal in his arms, it gave Hyunjin a feeling of utter euphoria looking at Felix. Something about his raw purity and bliss made Hyunjin want to contain it and keep it safe— keep him safe. But again, he continued to deny his unraveling feelings towards the brunette.

"I guess I'll start by saying that I'm sorry." Felix spoke while petting Lily in his lap. Hyunjin furrowed his brows. "What? Why are you apologizing?"

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