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"Come here."

Felix slowly stood from his seat and made his way to the large, queen-sized bed, landing himself standing right in front of Hyunjin. He was still too far for Hyunjin's liking. "Closer." The Raven nearly whispered while gently pulling the freckled male's hand. He opened his legs wide enough for Felix to stand between them, the younger receiving the memo on where to go.

Felix looked down at Hyunjin, eyes full of wonder and stars as the said male looked up him with the same expression except with a hint of something unidentifiable. The silence only made the mood better. They both knew there was so much to say, but doing so may result in something they will regret.

But then again.. who cares?

Felix swiped away a section of stray hair out of Hyunjin's face gently with his fingers, causing Hyunjin to fall apart even more.

"Shortcake.." He sounded desperate. So very desperate— urging for an immediate response.


The simple one worded affirmation made Hyunjin exhale a deep breath he's been holding. The beautiful boy in front of him was making him go insane. Though it may have been their intoxication speaking, Hyunjin wanted nothing more than to have the standing brunette all for himself. He removed his eyes from the younger and carefully placed his hands on his waist that stood directly in-front of his eyes, looking for signs of refusal. Once the boy didn't react to the touch, Hyunjin grabbed his body more confidently and slid his hands up and down his sides slowly. Excruciatingly slow.

Felix rested a hand on Hyunjin's shoulder and used the other to do a single rake through his locks that fell so perfectly. Hearing a low hum from the troublemaker, he saw this as a way of saying he enjoyed it and to continue, so he did. He continued combing through the Raven locks slowly as Hyunjin's hands halted, taking in the moment of sensual, but gentle, moment. Eventually, he raised his gaze to meet the younger's again, forcing the brushing to cease as Felix reciprocated the eye contact with a small smile. However, Hyunjin was not grinning. He looked at Felix with the most yearning and fiery expression.

Carefully, he held the younger's waist slightly tighter and tugged for him to move closer. "Come here, Felix."
The brunette felt his heart drop to his stomach and start doing cartwheels. This was the first time in a long time he heard Hyunjin say his name in a serious manner. And my, did it sound perfect. Something about the tone and manner of the Raven saying his real name and not just one of the nicknames he has, made Felix's head spin.

Looking aside from that, Felix understood what Hyunjin was intending to say. Slowly, and while keeping the eye contact every second of the way, Felix allowed each of his legs to shift onto the bed, both of them landing on either side of Hyunjin's. Resting his hands on both of the elder's shoulders, he placed himself on top of Hyunjin's lap, who's hands remained resting on his waist. As he finally rested himself on the his lap, Hyunjin released a low hum of satisfaction. The scene was the last thing Hyunjin ever expected to happen— the peppy boy having a sensual moment with the school's rule breaker, two societal groups that have just intertwined.

How he loved the sight.

Hyunjin began leaning in towards Felix's face, the said male watching carefully as he kicked his lips and felt his heartbeat increase at the insanely attractive boy beneath him. Hyunjin was absolutely craving the brunette. He looked down at his heart-shaped lips that suited him perfectly, growing hungrier by the second. As he grew closer, they felt each others breath fanning over themselves, making them both smirk slightly. Mere centimeters between them, Felix spoke up. "You're drunk, Hyunjin." He stated lowly, the older smirked, keeping their close distance. "So are you, sweetheart."

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