
752 39 14

LOTS more dialogue and explaining ahead🤩
Please read the authors note too!


Felix held Hyunjin in his arms for as long as he needed while they cried over the traumatic events Hyunjin never had the chance to heal his wounds from.

They cried and cried, but Hyunjin cried harder. He'd only verbally spoken about his past once, with Minho, but it wasn't this difficult then. Alas, this specific day was already filled with vulnerability, perhaps this just added on to it. Perhaps it was the way talking to Felix simply made you pour out your emotions because he would never judge you. Perhaps it was just the shield and walls of discomfort and secrecy finally coming down from their high chairs.

Though he was a sea of cold tears, Hyunjin felt the safest he ever had in several years in Felix's arms at this moment. He felt secured and loved in his embrace, and that was precious.

Felix brushed his fingers through the Raven strands with calming shushes that allowed Hyunjin to stabilize his emotional state.

The elder looked up at Felix — as he had basically been balled up in his arms and lap— with glossy eyes and a slightly quivering lip. Felix held the sides of his face, brushing back the hair that fell in front of the older boy's eyes.

Hyunjin scooted closer to Felix and engulfed them into an effortless hug, practically dropping on the brunette's shoulder, but Felix gladly returned the embrace. There is where they sat as Hyunjin's sobs calmed down and it was now comfortable silence and the nightfall chill that whistled in their ears.

Eventually, the Raven lifted his head and suddenly pressed lips against Felix's for the third time that evening. It was full of gratitude; gratitude for Felix's kindness, gratitude for his love, gratitude for his support even in a state such as this one. He was bewitched by the boy, and he had no regrets about it.

"Thank you, Felix."

Every time Hyunjin said Felix's name, it was like a love letter written by a poet— it just sounded so enthralling to the younger. But rather than responding, he placed a soft kiss upon the broken boy's forehead, affirming that he was safe and well so long as they were together, bringing their foreheads together again after.

"Thank you for being my sun."

"You are my moon, my today and all of my tomorrows, Hyunjin.  Nothing can change the way I love you. Crying or laughing, you are my home." Felix replied, softening Hyunjin's heart like no other. It was a gorgeous scene of love between the two of them that they'd never forget and they'd wish to simply marry each other right then and there.

"Crying does not indicate that you are weak, my love. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive. So don't hold back with me, I am here to make sure you are living equally with my sun, joy shielding from it. It can't be a new moon everyday." He chuckled, making the elder reciprocate and look downwards, resting on Felix's shoulder again.

The brunette wrapped arms around the back of Hyunjin, enclosing him in his arms safely. They sat in silence for seconds once more, their heads detached but their bodies remaining close.

"Felix..? What was your Sunday like?" Hyunjin asked, referring to the time they spent apart, considering a Monday of school was pretty self explanatory.
Felix felt his heart tense up at the mention of the day he received sudden and intense news. Recalling his different emotions that day, he figured he'd wait a while to tell Hyunjin what was going on in his home.

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