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"Let's just forget about this, okay?"

Felix felt his heart drop. Was he being serious? What does he mean "forget about it"? Why does he seem upset?

"W-what?" It was a mere whisper, a tone of worry sprinkled on top that made Hyunjin sigh.

"Whatever happened last night, forget about it, yeah?" Felix was incredibly confused, the worst swarming his brain as to what Hyunjin could possibly be conveying. "I don't.. I don't understand."
Hyunjin rubbed a hand on his face, continuing to avoid the brunette's big, sparkling, mocha eyes. "We were drunk, Sweets. We just had sex, so it doesn't mean anything."


Felix's heart sank to his toes. It... doesn't mean anything? Is he saying he regrets it? He knowingly took this boy's virginity away and now he's saying it meant nothing? Felix was praying to God that he was just having some sort of nightmare, but the headache reminded hi n that he wasn't. He really was sitting in an unknown bed, naked next to his crush who has just crushed every single ligament in his body.

"Do you regret it?" He softly asked, internally petrified for the elders response.

"No, I guess not, it's just... it was just sex, okay?" 

The freckled male felt his once pounding heart cracking more by every word that had just come from Hyunjin's lips. It felt as if his entire world just tumbled to the ground and everything he had hoped for this interaction was completely out the window. He truly believed Hyunjin wouldn't see this as just a pity fuck.

"Oh.. right."


Silence took over the room, creating an intense and thick atmosphere. A lump began to form in Felix's throat. He cursed at himself for almost allowing his vulnerability to show. He wanted to seem like he too did not care about the fact that Hyunjin did not see their intimacy as a big deal.

"I'm uh... I should get home." Felix spoke while looking down at the comforter, making Hyunjin look over at him, intrigued. The brunette felt shy and embarrassed at having to remove himself from the bed sheets in front of the Raven as he was completely nude. He slowly removed the covers from his legs and faced away from Hyunjin to grab the clothes that landed on that side of the bed. He felt Hyunjin's eyes on him, furthering his confusion. As he faced away from him, he felt the water begin to build over his eyes.

As he awkwardly put his boxers and sweater back on,  feeling overly exposed, he wandered his eyes while taking short, quick breaths, looking for his pants.

"A-are my pants over there?" He hesitantly asked, only raising the heat of the room.

Hyunjin looked over and nodded as he spotted the brunette's grey skinny jeans— the ones he eagerly removed the night before. Felix stood from the bed and instantly wobbled over from a sudden pain in his lower back. He let out a sharp wince from the intense soreness and scrunched his face. He felt absolutely humiliated.

"Are you alright?" Hyunjin spoke, growing concern for the boy. Maybe they had gone too rough for his first time. "Yes, I'm fine. Just.. sore from all the dancing." He tried to play it off as if it was something else, wanting to seem unbothered and nonchalant about their previous actions, but Hyunjin saw right through him. However, the raven chose not to protest, knowing that the brunette must already feel heavy emotion in this moment.

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