42.March 20th

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IM BACK! Really long chapter in exchange for my break :)


'March 20th, Hyunjin's Surprise Birthday Party' Felix had marked on his calendar, in which popped up on his notifications that morning. He smiled brightly after first opening his eyes, excited about the celebration he and his friends had been planning for weeks. 

'To: Hyun🤍
Good morning, handsome!<3
Happy 19th Birthday my love🎁💝'

He messaged the Raven, knowing very well that he was likely not even awake yet. But nonetheless, he was giddy and excited to wish his beloved a wonderful day.
After texting his boyfriend —as he does every morning— , he sprang out of bed, threw on some fuzzy socks and darted downstairs, meeting his mother's confused but intrigued expression.

"You're awfully happy at 9a.m." She said sarcastically, sipping from her mug, in which Felix smiled even wider.

"It's Hyunjin's birthday, Mom! I have to start decorating now." He happily stated as he grabbed a quick granola bar, making her raise her eyebrows in replace for the words of "ohhh".

"Right, I forgot. Who all is coming?" She asked, even though she'd just be at the spa with her friend all day, but it would help map out the mess that would be made by teenagers.

"Not many people. I believe it's Sungie, Gyu, Minho, Taehyun, Ryujin, Yeji, Lily and Haewon. Maybe a few others but I'm not sure." He listed off, earning a head tilt from the woman.

"Who's Taehyun? And who's Yeji?" She asked. She often kept up with who all Felix was close to, not only for trust but also to just keep up with her son's life.

"Haven't I told you? Yeji is Ryujin's girlfriend and Taehyun and Beomgyu have been dating since New Years." Felix explained with his mouth full and a muffled voice, making Ms. Lee smile warmly.

"I'm so happy you've found a group of people you can be you around, Bokkie." She fawned and the brunette smiled, happy to have this version of his mother back. Ever since the divorce, she quickly realized who she was and wanted to be and suddenly blossomed into the fierce, but kind business woman she'd always deserved to be. And Felix felt beyond proud to watch her realize that her worth doesn't depend on her power-hungry ex husband.

"I only found them because I was taught to surround myself with the people who like me, for me. Not the ones who just want a higher status." He fondly smirked, slightly directing the statement for her to remember her own words that she went against for a long time.

"Of course. I'm glad you've learned and realized that so young. Have fun today, Bokkie. I'll be out around noon." She smiled, kissed him on the side of his head and headed into her room.

Felix smiled and took a deep breath once he spotted the large stack of decorations lying upon their table that he'd have to put up.

Ding dong

He dashed to the front door and opened it eagerly, knowing exactly who it was.

"Ryujin, Yeji! I'm so happy you're both here so early!" He beamed.

"Of course we're here! You know us, we're the best party decorators." Yeji exclaimed and nudged a smiling Ryujin with her elbow.

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