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They were childhood friends almost lovers

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They were childhood friends almost lovers. They really adored each other. Donghyuck was also best friends with Haneuls older brother Na Jaemin. Their parents were best friends that's how they became close. Their parents also shipped them together. Donghyuck was always protective of Haneul even when it came to their other close friends joining them, he always kept her close to him. They spent their toddler years all up to their teenage years together. Donghyuck was older to her by 4 years. Though they were a perfect match for each other his name Lee Donghyuck meaning the Sun and she Na Haneul meaning Sky.

They thought nothing could ever separate them but one dark afternoon, there was an attack on Donghyucks family while Haneul and her family was away in China but that day was going to be the day they get back. Donghyuck was only 13 and he had a little sister who was 9 years old. He didn't know his parents were Mafia leaders and in a gang he didn't know that, that day would be the last he would see them. It all happened so suddenly. His mum and sister was calling them for dinner as his dad played video games with him. Suddenly there was a whole lot of gunshots, his dad and mum grabbed the siblings and took them to their work room upstairs. They took out a carpet that was on the floor and opened a secret door and it opened a secret passage way downstairs.

The kids looked at their parents in shock cause they didn't know that passage way existed.
"Kids I need yall to listen to us carefully okay, go down there and I promise it's completely safe. There's a phone down there I need you to phone your aunty Taeyeon and uncle Minho okay tell them we said Code Red" there mother said then hugged them tightly.

"kids we will try to be back for yall but if we are not promise to always stand and take care of each other" their dad said bending down and hugging them.

It was getting more noisy outside. Donghyuck looked at his parents in fear, he had a bad feeling that something was gonna happen to them.

"mum, dad please come with us" he teared

"you're our strong boy right? We can't right now but we will be back for you two okay, take care and remember we love you will all our hearts" It was like his parents knew something was going to happen to them because they gave the siblings one last hug and forehead kisses then pushing them into the secret stair way before closing up the door and leaving them there.

Donghyuck held his sister's hand and quickly went downstairs. It looked like a secret meeting room and there was a lot of things like guns, knifes and so on there. When they found the phone Donghyuck immediately called his Dads younger brother Minho to inform him of what was going on.

The siblings spent 2 hours sitting in their holding each other scared of what was going on above them.
"hyuckie will mummy and daddy come back? " his sister Diara asked as she hugged her brother tightly.

"they will D don't worry" he said trying to comfort her.

Soon their door opened and in came a frantic look their Aunt Taeyeons face, their uncle Minhos wife. She immediately ran to them and hugged them tearing.

"OH my thank God yall are okay" she kissed their heads.

"Aunty mum and dad..."

She went quite from Diara. She held their hands and took them out from that room.

When they reached their living room they saw everything was destroyed, shards of glass on the floor and there was blotches of blood everywhere and some guards walking around. Taeyeon quickly covered their eyes and walked them out to her car.

"we're going to go to mine and your uncles house okay, we'll talk over there about your parents." the kids were tired from crying so they weakly nodded and got into the backseat of their aunts car as she got in and started driving.

The siblings fell asleep in the back.

After 30 minutes they reached and when they entered the house Donghyuck saw Haneul and Jaemin sitting on one of the sofas hugging each other and crying. Donghyuck wondered why they were crying maybe it was because of what happened a while ago.

When Haneul made contact with Donghyuck she gasped and left Jaemins arms and ran into Donghyucks arms.
"I'm so sorry Hyuck" she said in between her sobs.

He caressed her head
"but what's going on?" he questioned as he looked around the room only to see his uncle and Aunt along with Haneuls parents Giving them a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry about Aunty and uncle Hyuck, I'm so sorry" donghyuck went cold, he knew what she meant but he didn't want to believe it.

Everyone had been trying to console the two siblings since then. They were left in their uncles care. Haneuls parents had to leave the country after the funeral cause apparently they had some serious business to do in New York. Donghyuck had made a huge fuss about letting go of Haneul, he just lost his dear parents and he didn't want to lose her as well.

She hugged him while they sat on the bed of his new room.
"Hyuck I promise that I will never leave you, we will meet again okay" she said as they hugged.
"but you are leaving now Neul" he said as he teared.

They both were tearing and heartbroken.

"I know but I promise this isn't the end, we'll find each other again right" she mumbled and he nodded against her neck.

"don't you dare find someone else to replace me" he said
"I should be saying the same to you" she chuckled, for a 10 year old girl she was very smart and understood things well.

"promise me you will take care of yourself and don't get into any trouble when I'm not there" he chuckled.

"and you promise to never forget me"

They joined their pinkies "I promise" they sadly smiled and looked at each other

He was hesitant but he did it anyway. He pecked her lips.
Haneul was shocked but smiled shyly and blushed.

"I love you Neul and you are mine okay, always remember that" he said as he brought her small figure into his arms once again.

"I love you too Hyuck, I am yours and always will be" she said and kissed his cheek.


THE PRESENT ISN'T LIKE THE PAST  ♡   LEE DONGHYUCKWhere stories live. Discover now