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Author pov 

It was a Sunday morning and as always the Na family had made it their special family day ever since most of them had been getting very busy recently with their businesses. It was Hanuel who came up with the idea as she missed the presence of her family most days. 

Today the mother and daughter decided to do some baking in the kitchen while the father and son went out to play a little golf. 

Haneul pov

"so how was it yesterday?" mom asked as she filled in her cupcakes. 

"it was actually really amazing" i answered with a smile knowing the question was referring to my date with Donghyuck. 

After explaining last nights events including the kiss my mum was over the moon happy, the wide loving smile of her face clearly showed it. 

"thats so cute honestly i didn't expect that but i'm glad you two enjoyed and are official boyfriend and girlfriend. Donghyuck needs some happiness in his life and you are the best person for that" she said 

i nodded as i folded in some chocolate chips into my cookie mix. 

"i did feel guilty that i wasn't with him for all these years but now i will never leave him to feel alone again, he's stuck with me" i smiled cheekily and she chuckled. 

"you two are the opposite of each other but a perfect match. I wish you two all the happiness and love" she smiled patting my head.

"thanks mom" i smiled. 

"you should go with Jaemin later to drop of some muffins and cookies for them" she said as she put her tray in the oven and i nodded excitingly at the suggestion. I'm not sure where he is today though, if he's at dream or 127 base, I'll ask him" i said picking up my phone to message him but saw he already messaged me a few minutes ago.

Mr Mafia Bear🐻💖




Are you busy :(

I'm boredddd 

Why aren't you replyinggg


sorry, i'm baking with mom :)

btw i was wondering if it was okay for me to visit you with jaems later?

sure, you don't need to ask me before coming here love

though i'm at the 127 base, ask jaem he know's the address 

ahh okay, at least i get to see Tae i haven't seen him since i got back 

i miss him :(

miss him???

what about me?????

calm yourself , you just saw me last night😂

and i missed all of you guys okayyy

THE PRESENT ISN'T LIKE THE PAST  ♡   LEE DONGHYUCKWhere stories live. Discover now