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Hanuel Pov

I immediately turned around to face him while he still had me in his hold.

"what are you doing here?" i asked him as he stared at me

"i had something to do here..." he said and i eyed him suspiciously and i sighed feeling slight anger rise in me.

I removed his hands from me and chose to walk away.

'he has some nerve to ignore me for 3 days to suddenly show up and act normal, idiot!' 'i'm not gonna speak talk to him, I'll ignore him too'

"neul" he said as he followed me from behind, "don't walk away from me"

"leave me alone meanie" i slurred as i tried to walk faster away from him but that only resulted in him catching my wrist and pulling me closer to him.

"I'm taking you home, i think you drank enough" he whispered in my ear.

"nooo, you are not the boss of me, i want to drink more" i said hoping he would let go of my wrist. "i want to stay away from you, you are mean. You ignored me for 3 days so I'm gonna ignore you too, i don't want to talk to you"

He sighed, leaving my wrist only to caress my cheek instead. "I'm sorry, i didn't mean it, I've just been busy with work"

"so you couldn't even get a minute to reply back to my texts? hyuck it's not easy knowing you have a dangerous job" he nodded "i know im sorry okay, it won't happen again and I'll make it up to you tomorrow, we can go on our very first date" he said bringing his thumb down to the side of my neck and rubbing it lightly. Even his light touch sent an electrifying feeling through my body.

I chuckled and hit his chest lightly "you make it so hard to be angry at you" i pouted and he smirked "you can never be angry at me, you love me to much" he smiled cheekily and i rolled my eyes then i interlaced my fingers with his, "lets go but you're buying me food, I'm hungry"

"whatever you want babygirl" he said patting my head

'gosh i don't think i will ever get used to that nickname'


"you didn't tell me we were gonna be walking" i said looking at him as he walked beside me on the cold street that was lit with Seoul's city lights. 

"most shops would be closed now since its midnight except the convenience stores, so we are going to the closest one here, plus it seems you drank a lot so you shouldn't eat anything heavy" he said now looking at me and i hummed at his response.

I think most of my drunkness left me the moment i walked out of that club and felt the cold breeze hit my skin. Haechan offered me his jacket but i refused cause i honestly prefer winter then summer. 

I sneaked a picture of our interlaced hands and smiled. 

"hyuck do you have Instagram? or any social media accounts" he laughed

"ofcause who would i be if i didn't", "it's under the name Haechan though" 

"ohh, you really took the name change seriously hmm" he nodded. 

"i needed a change and the name was just the start of it" 

"i like it, it means fullsun right?" he nodded "mum used to call me that" he said mumbled

"i know...Aunty called you that caused it suited your personality. The sunshine of our lives, always bring a smile to our face even though you would be so annoying at times" i chuckled and he gave me a small glare.

"you didn't change at all though" he said 


"you're still the same friendly, loving and caring person you are. Still stubborn and cute. oh and you're still short"

"hey! i am not short!" i exclaimed glaring at him.

"well you are to me" he smiled and i rolled my eyes.

"keep rolling your eyes you might find you brain back there"

"idiot" i mumbled with a pout.

"and here we are" he said as we stooped in front of a store that didn't seem like it was that busy.



💞 him <3

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💞 him <3



na_jaem: who? wait is it who i think it is?

- idk is it🤔

annaria: is that who you vanished from the club with

- maybe...

not_katyperry: gurlll omg you have a boyfriend???

jennyyy: i want the deeds asap omg🙀

user145: noooo how can you be taken

user356: aww i hope he treats you right

user176: please that man needs to get in line.

-not if he was the first one there😉


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