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Author pov

Haneul was getting dressed for college when her mom knocked on her room door.
"Sweety when you are ready come down for breakfast alright!"

"Alright mom!"

She left her long brown hair open as it looked nice and straight. Even though she was from a rich family she never dressed like much cause she liked using simple clothes and dressed in between a tomboy and girlish style. Like today she was dressed in simple black ripped jeans and a brown sleeveless crop top. She never used a lot of makeup too just a bit of lip balm or gloss. She was already beautiful so she didn't need makeup.

After getting dressed she went downstairs and joined her family for breakfast. She sat next to Jaemin as he took a sip of his strong coffee that could looked darker then his soul, she would never understand how he lived after drinking that death in a cup. Her Dad was being the typical dad that he is, reading the business news paper early in the morning and her mom just silently eating with a smile.

Haneul pov

"So whose dropping me off at college today?" I asked.
I'm 19 years old but they don't want me to start driving yet so they have either been taking me where I need to be or our family driver does it.

"I will take you" Mom smiled and I nodded.
"are you excited for your first day of college sis?" Jaemin asked and I immediately nodded excitedly.

"I'm sure you'll have fun, but not to much fun okay" Dad said looking at me.
"yes yes dad i know, plus you know I never get distracted from my studies."

They all agreed.

Since I started school I've always done well to make my parents proud plus I loved studying. I used to get teased alot for it but as much as I had a study life I still made sure to go out and have fun with my friends. Although now I have to make new friends, I hope I do make some nice friends. My friends in NYC were crazy but I love them.

"Are you coming to the company as well?" Dad asked
"yes! I'm really excited to see the new one" Jaemin smiled and patted my head.

"you can either meet me or dad if we aren't busy" he said
"thats the plan" I smiled


I walked through the hallway of the building as the students eyed me up and down probably judging me. I didn't care though, this has always happened.

I went to my locker number and added my books inside. Just as I was about to close the door someone leaned on the one next to mine.

"do you need anything?" I asked looking at this guy dressed in Blue jeans and a black t-shirt, he has blue eyes and long blond hair.

"how about your number" he said with a smug look. I was close to laughing cause this was rather funny to me.

"I would but...my parents taught me not to give my number to strangers" I closed my locker ignoring the look on his face as i started walking to my first class. That guy was still following me from behind.

"then let's get to know each other, hi I'm Hwayoung" he said and I stopped on my tracks looking at him.
"Look if you're looking for a girlfriend, I'm not interested go find someone else" I said then started walking away again trying to look for my class.

"wow that was bold" I looked next to me only to see a girl a bit taller then me, she was dressed in a light pink skirt and white long sleeve top. Her hair was brown like mine but longer and wavy.

I looked at her questionably, while she smiled and put her hand out for me to shake.
"hii I'm Yeri, Second year Architecture student" I smiled and shook her hand.
"Haneul but you can call me Hana, first year Fashion designer"

"cool is it your first day?" I nodded at her question.
"do you need help?"

I sighed "Yes please, I'm lost and that dude just ruined my whole mood" she laughed and nodded

"Aww don't worry I'm sure your first day will get better, come I'll help you find the room" she said and i followed her from behind like a lost puppy.

"thanks a lot"


"how many lessons do you have today?" Yeri asked as we stopped in front of the room I'm scheduled in.

I looked back at my schedule then at her again
"uhm 2 both are morning classes"

"cool would you like to join me for lunch with some of my other friends" she asked eagerly, wow she's definitely an extrovert if she's this friendly

"sure I guess, there's no one else I know here anyway" I said.
She suddenly hugged me and I smiled "great I shall meet you in the cafeteria, oh and I wish you luck for your first class"

I chuckled "thanks alot I'm gonna need it"
She waved and walked of to her class.

I made my way inside, it wasn't really full and thankfully the students didn't really pay attention to me so walked to the back rows and took a seat in between.

'Yeri seems so nice, I'm sure we'll be great friends' I laughed at my thoughts and opened my textbook as the professor walked in ready to start her class.

THE PRESENT ISN'T LIKE THE PAST  ♡   LEE DONGHYUCKWhere stories live. Discover now