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Haneul pov

It feels weird to be back in Korea after almost 9 years. Everything has changed. I guess the people have changed as well.

Dad thought it was a great idea to come back here cause of the company he had running here needed him well and Jaemin because he recently passed it to Jaemin to handle. I didn't really have an issue coming back here cause I never go against my parents or brother's decisions. I just miss some of my friends back in NYC.

I was looking forward to coming back here for him. I've missed him terribly. Mom and Dad didn't let me contact him for a few months saying it was for our own good but then I ended up losing contact completely. My first few months in New York was dreadful without Hyuck but eventually I had gotten used to not having him around me, I just had to keep him in my memories like I still do now till this moment. Every memory of our childhood is living rent free in my head and heart. I wonder how he looks like now, well we both have grown now so he must be more handsome now, probably has girls drooling over him, I laughed at the thought. I have tried to find any of his social but the search was in vain, it was like he was living under a rock since he had no socials.

I'm supposed to start College tomorrow, apparently mom already sorted out my admission and got me into SNU. My parents gave me the privilege to choose my own future career since Jaemin would be the heir to Dad's company. Though Mom's fashion designing business had made me take a lot of interest into it because I've watched since young how she worked and designed absolutely amazing and beautiful clothes  which i really admired so I thought to take up designing and follow in my mom's footsteps. She was really proud of me for that.

We moved into a new mansion as well, this one which is way bigger then the last couple of ones we've had. This one seems to have more guards around them though, I still don't understand why we need so much protection like I do understand that my parents are huge influential business people and will have oppornants wanting to beat them or take them down but this is a bit to much.

I laid on my new yet comfy bed taking in the look of my room. I had my parents leave my study room empty as I wanted to decorate it on my own. My love for books and designing had me leaving my last room a mess that this time I decide to have everything in order.

Suddenly Jaemin had barged into my room and made his way to lay next to me on the bed. There was silence between us, the only sounds was of us breathing and him sighing softly.

"you okay jaems?" he
"just let me sleep for a bit" he mumbled

I laughed "you have your own room for that"
"I like your company though" I rolled my eyes at him as he already started to fall asleep.

My brother is only 22 but he always works his ass of. I use to barely see him at home cause he was always busy or used to come home late or leave early but no matter what we always made time for our sibling hangout sessions. He is the best brother I could of ever asked for even if he annoys me at times with his teasing.

Jaemin looked like a typical bad boy from his broad muscular shoulders to the way he always dressed in black, not complaining cause i Iove black too. I used to get alot of attention from the girls in school for having a hot brother which I didn't really care about, I knew Jaemin was a playboy as well. I've witnessed him being flirty with lots of girls but it didn't bother me cause for some reason I used to find it funny how they will always fall for his charms.

Jaemin is also the definition of an over protective brother. He never let's me go out till late at night without him being there, he also made sure every guy kept a fair distance away from me with his death glares, not that I would pay attention to the guys unless I wanted them as friends cause my heart was already taken.

When Jaemin turned 20 dad started having him work at the NY company certain days so that he could get training on how to run a company and now here we are with Dad appointing Jaemin as CEO of the Seoul company.

Every employee of theirs in NYC knew me since I would bring dad and Jaem lunch or dinner at work, the two of them tended to forget about food and their health at times and it wasn't fine by me so I always went when I had a chance and made sure they eat on time. Plus I was very friendly with everyone back in NYC so they adored me.

Eventually I hugged one of the pillows on the bed as a habit of mine and also started drifting of to dreamland.

THE PRESENT ISN'T LIKE THE PAST  ♡   LEE DONGHYUCKWhere stories live. Discover now