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Haneul pov

The sound of my ringtone got me out of my deep sleep. I turned it off only for it to ring once again. I groaned answering the phone and putting it to my ear. 

"whoever you are you better have a good damn reason to be waking me up from my precious sleep" i said groggily in my morning voice. 

"is me taking you out on a date a good enough reason?" the voice on the other line said.

"haechan?" i asked as i finally opened my eyes and sat up on the bed. "good morning babygirl...or should i say good afternoon?" he asked with a chuckle. 

"what time is it?" i asked as i rubbed my eyes a little to adjust to the light. "its 1pm, are you okay?" he asked and i hummed.

"okay so I'm picking you up at 5pm is that okay?" he said "yeah but where are we going?" i asked. "its a surprise" he answered. "then how should i know what to wear?" i whined and i could hear his giggle.

'wait did he just giggle?' i furrowed my eyebrows 

"well maybe use a black dress you look cute in those" he said "fineee"

"see you later love", "hmm see you" i smiled a little.

"are you going on a date?" a sudden voice said. I looked up and noticed my mother who stood by the door with a teasing look. 

"yeah..." i said shyly scratching the back of my neck.

"aww who is this guy? is it Donghyuck because till this date you were rejecting every guy that tried to approach you" she asked as she walked over and sat next to me on my bed. 

"yes it's him, he say's we should start over", "that's good" she agreed

"As much as he might have changed by appearance and... his mindset but I'm sure that his feeling for you never changed just like yours never changed"

"you know?" i asked her as she held my hand and nodded.

"you know his mum was my high school bestfriend right, when she started dating his dad and i found out about what he was doing, i didn't approve of him at first because i didn't want her to be in danger but  the way he was always there to protect her from any harm and she was always keen to stay by his side, i saw how much they loved each other, they were basically soulmates" mum had a different smile on her face today, its the same smile she had whenever she spoke about Aunty Aerin, they were bestfriends after all. 

"Aerin would be very happy to see you and Donghyuck together" she patted my head "ever since the day she found out i was pregnant with a girl she just knew you and her son would be soulmates, honestly we both were manifesting it" she chuckled shaking her head. 

"I'm so glad you and Donghyuck found each other again my dear" she smiled and i returned a smile.

"you must really miss aunt Aerin" i said looking at mum with sad eyes. She nodded "of cause i do, but i have her memories with me so I'm okay, I know she's up there watching all of us with a huge smile of her face" 

i nodded.

I really missed her, she was like my second mother always taking care of me like her own child. 

"now let's find you something to wear!" she exclaimed 

"where is he taking you?" 

"i don't know he said its a surprise" i rolled my eyes and she squealed a little

"awww", "but he did say i should use a black dress since i look good in them" she nodded

" he is right you do look absolutely beautiful in black clothes, like a badass" 

Most of the time my mum is more like my bestfriend who likes to fangirl a lot then being like the usual strict mothers which is what i love most about her.


It was almost 5pm and i was already dressed. Mum wanted to get me ready from choosing the perfect dress to the perfect heels. Making sure my hair looked neat and choosing the right jewelry that looked good with the outfit. The only thing i did was my makeup. 

I loved when mum  dressed me up because her fashion sense was the whole reason why i decided to take up fashion in the first place. 


Dressed by the worlds best mother @jaeha_na 💛

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Dressed by the worlds best mother @jaeha_na 💛




I anxiously sat on my bed as i waiting Hyuck to show up. I don't know why i was feeling so nervous, it's not the first time we are meeting or something. 

Just then the sound of the doorbell was heard and i took a deep breath...

THE PRESENT ISN'T LIKE THE PAST  ♡   LEE DONGHYUCKWhere stories live. Discover now