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Author pov

Haechan was in one of the clubs Taeyong owned because they needed to lay a trap and kidnap one of their enemy's girlfriend for questioning but it seemed as though she wasn't as loyal to her boyfriend then he thought she was otherwise she wouldn't be flirting with Haechan who sat next to her at the bar waiting for a good moment for the girl to take bait and let Johnny do the rest. It was a good thing the girl was already half drunk so he didn't have much to endure. 

Unlike in Dream, here Haechan didn't have much of a say, he would have to follow Taeyongs orders and he had unfortunately made Haechan the seducer this time. The plan was to get the girls attention enough to have a drink with her and drug her then get her out of there where Johnny will take her to their interrogation room at the base which will then be handled by Doyoung and Yuta.

Haechan was a bit drained but he was good at hiding it. He never got a break after Taeyong called him to the 127 base that night he dropped Haneul at home. They had been working on missions and deals none stop but thankfully Taeyong said he could take a break tomorrow to get some rest. Haechan didn't want rest though all he wanted was to see Haneul so he just wanted to get this night over with.

Other then his handsome face he also dressed enough for this mission.

Other then his handsome face he also dressed enough for this mission

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On the other side of the same club was the group of friends who were all drunk enough to be slurring but still able to dance their asses of on the dance floor. Poor Jisung was left sitting alone feeling awkward after rejecting at least 5 girls who tried to as him out for a drink or a dance in the last 3 hours, if it wasn't for his friends he could of been in the comfort of his room playing video games but here he was trying to stay away from every female human being coming his way and having to babysit his crazy bunch of friends.

He rolled his eyes as he caught site of Yeri and Anna making out with some random dudes across the dancefloor. He then noticed Hana and Chenle making their way to him and when they did the two dragged him to the dancefloor with them even after much protest he had no choice but to join them.

Haechan who was casually drinking as he watched the girl slowly get drowsy and lean her head in her hands, as a smirk now came on his face.

"alright she's out, johnny I'm coming with her" he said into his earpiece where he could communicate with Johnny.

But at that exact moment he saw a familiar face on the dancefloor. He thought he was starting to imagine her since she had been on his mind a lot but when he saw her dancing with the familiar faces of Chenle and jisung he knew he wasn't just imagining things. He saw what a bright smile Hanuel had on her face as she moved her body with the music.

"johnny hyung can you come here and take her please I uhh I have something to do" he said

"okay give me 2 minutes I'll be there" Johnny answered

When his eyes eyed her outfit, he licked his lips at how hot she looked with a full black But what ticked him of was when he noticed another unknown guy trying to get near her from behind and from the look in his eyes Haechan clearly knew he didn't want to just dance. He knew the boys were there to protect her but she was his girl so he had every right to want to go there and punch that guy for even laying his eyes on his girl.

Just then Jonny appeared in front of Haechan.

"thanks i got to deal with something or should i say somone" he said bitterly as he eyed the guy who was trying to get Haneuls attention but was clearly failing.

"don't cause trouble Chan" Johnny said as he eyed the boy who looked like he was ready to put his gun at someones head.

"not promising but I'll try" haechan answered as he walked off to the dancefloor.

Hanuel who was dancing and just vibing to the music paying zero attention to her surrounding since she was so drunk already from all the tequila shots she had not long ago, but when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist she was brought back to reality flinching at the sudden skin contact.

"what the f...", "hey babygirl" the raspy, deep but familiar voice said to her

"Haechan hyung?!" she heard jisung say from next to her and her eyes widened in shock.

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