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Author pov

A huge blow was thrown into Haechans stomach. He groaned but still fought back. He grabbed a pole that was randomly lying around and used it to beat the 5 men that was there trying to attack him.

One guy was about to throw a punch at his face but Haechan was quick to duck down and kick him which made him fall flat.

As he beat up some of the men, more started coming but along with them was a huge black van with the dreamies. The rest of the Dreamies got out with their guns and other weapons.

Neul just stood behind the wall, taking deep breaths. She was scared of this, she's never been in a situation like this before and never did she ever even dream of it.

She wasn't sure what scared her the most, the fact that Donghyuck was out there fighting all those men or the fact that he was killing some of them or they were hurting him by the sounds of the gunshots and groans but whatever it is, it's terrifying her.

She looked back and saw some men, along with Jisung helping Donghyuck fight of the men.

Suddenly she noticed that one man was strangling Donghyuck against the wall and he was struggling so bad that his face was turning red.

She saw a rod lying on the ground so she quickly grabbed it and ran to the man. Since he was back facing her he didn't see her coming his way. She didn't know what came over her but she just followed her heart and her told her to help donghyuck.

"I am so sorry Mr"
She hit his head so hard with the rod that the man groaned holding his head and fell to the floor unconscious.

She gasped as Donghyuck fell to the floor trying to catch his breath. She rushed to him and held his hand to help him up.

"Hyuck are you okay" she had worry in her voice.
He gave her a small smile and nodded.
"thanks for that Neul"

He was beaten up bad in her eyes but for him it was barely anything cause he's been through much worse over the years. He had a few deep scratches on his face and his clothes were a mess to with blotches of blood or dirt from the ground.

He groaned in slight pain because one of the men had kicked his ribs quite hard.

Neul made him put his one hand around her shoulders so she could help him to walk.
"sorry that this had to happen now" he said as he stared at her but she just looked away from him.

"we'll talk about it later, for now you all should get to a hospital and get treated" she mumbled.

"we can't go to a hospital we'll go to our base" Jeno answered.

Haneul looked at him questionably. That's when it hit her that even this guy looked familiar, in fact all of them did though she already knew Jisung.

The guy smiled.

"Jeno?" he smiled

"It's been a while Haneul"
"wow you look different" Jeno chuckled

"Obviously it's been 9 years" Renjun rolled his eyes.

"Huang Renjun, that has to be you" he gave her a smug look.

"It's nice to see you Haneul"
"Mark?" she nodded

"woah didn't think I would be meeting you all like this"

Haneul heard a scoff next to her.
"How did you recognize them in an instant but not me" Donghyuck glared a little.

"well Jeno still has that eye smile he always had, Renjun is still sassy and savage, nothing really changed other their looks I guess, as for you Mr Lee" she sighed
"A lot has changed"

"Well I hate to break the moment but we should leave before more men come here" Jisung said.

They all nodded.

"I'm gonna..." Neul was about to speak when Haechan spoke cutting her of.
"you are coming with us to the base, Jaemin will pick you up later" he said with a deep voice that sent shivers to Haneul.

She didn't feel like debating with him over her going home so she just nodded and went with them.

They all got into the van.
"So I'm guessing you're all part of a gang like this dude" Neul pointed to her right where Haechan sat.

Mark was the one driving, with Jeno in the passenger seat, she sat in between Haechan and Renjun while Jisung sat in the behind them.

The boys all nodded quietly not saying a word.

"Jisung what are you even doing in this, you look way to innocent to be in a gang" she looked behind her waiting for his answered but he had his lips in a thin line.

Renjun and Mark laughed.

"Jisung innocent!?, wow maybe sometimes but not all the time"

"what do you do here anyway" she eyed the boy.

"I'm the assassin" she expression then turned into a shocked one.

"is it only you all or yall have more people involved"

Haechan sighed.

He and the boys then started to explain to her about their gang. They didn't want to hide anything from her because they knew Haechan will be keeping her around now that she's back in Korea. Haechan also didn't want to hide anything more from her.

For the rest of the ride she asked questions and they answered. Maybe a few confidential ones here and there they kept to themselves.

THE PRESENT ISN'T LIKE THE PAST  ♡   LEE DONGHYUCKWhere stories live. Discover now