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Hanuel pov

The voices of my friend's drowned upon me as i stared at my boyfriend who was leaned against his motorbike in the parking lot dressed in a white long sleeved shirt and black jeans. He never informed me that he was picking me up not that I'm complaining. I was about to rush my way to him but a sudden voice broke me from my thoughts.

"Hey Hanuel!" a voice called out from behind me catching the attention of not only my friends but quite a few people around us. I turned around and i was none other then Hwang Hyunjin who was walking towards me with his bag hanging from one side of his shoulder.

My friends looked at the two of us awkwardly as he stood in front of me. "I've been trying to get your attention for a while" he chuckled.

"I'm sorry i didn't realize" i apologized. I really didn't know he trying to talk to me.

"i was wondering if we could work on that project later?" he said briefly after making eye contact with my friends.

"i'm sorry I can't today. I already have plans, but is tomorrow okay?" i asked and he nodded "sure" he smiled.

"well uhm i have to go, so good day" i said taking Yeri's arm in mine

"okay bye then" he said and walked away.

"what was that?" jisung asked

"oh right, i didn't tell you boy's but Hyunjin is my Project partner for fashion class" i answered

Chenle furrowed his eyebrows "be careful of him will you" he said and i nodded "i know. Plus where that dude doesn't seem to happy" i said looking over at Haechan who now had a blank look as he stared at us.

"why is he here?" Anna asked and i shrugged.

"hey love" i smiled as i put my arm's around his neck and kissed his cheek. He placed his hands around my waist and softened his eyes. "hi" he gave me a peck on my forehead.

"what's with this sudden surprise?" i asked

"figured I'll pick you up so i can spend some alone time with you" he smirked making me chuckle.

"we will take our leave then" chenle said

"see you at the house" jisung gave the two a disgusted look as he walked of.

"we should find him a girlfriend, maybe then he won't feel so disgusted" i giggled

Haechan shook his head "i don't think i would ever see the sight of that dude being all lovey dovey with a girl" he chuckled

"by the way who was that dude?" 

"who?" i asked innocently which made him glare at me. 

"don't play with me babygirl" he whispered making me laugh

"he's just a project partner. He wanted to know if i'm free to start but i said i was busy so we can start tomorrow" i said and he groaned "i don't like him" i gave him an eye roll. "you don't like every guy i speak to" i stated 

"obviously, i don't like men eyeing what's mine" 

"exactly! your's. I'm your's no one elses so calm yourself Mr Lee" i said as i pecked his lips making him sigh. 

 "Fine, anyways lets go" He said as he grabbed the spare helmet and putting it over my head. 

"though if he tries anything i'm putting a bullet through his head" he said making me laugh. "sure"


At the Dream base the six members were seated in front of me including Jaemin who stated he wanted to help since he had some free time on his hands nowadays.

"when you think of mafia what colors do you think of?" i asked the group.

"That's easy. Dark colors. Black, Red and so on" Mark answered 

"yes and when you think of a high and fancy ball what colors do you think of?" 

"gold" chenle answered 


"why need a planner when we have Pinterest" i smirked 

"so whose willing to find a venue?" i questioned 

"i can do that right now" Renjun said 

"right i forgot you're some type of hacking genius" i chuckled "well that's done, oh and you can also sort out the security" i said as i checked that off my list

"I have someone who can do the catering for food and drinks" jaemin said

"I have a friend who can design the invitation. We don't need hard copy's since we email it to the guests" Haechan said 

"okay invitations check"

"we obviously going to need waiters and bartenders for this shit so i can check for that" jeno said and i nodded 

"I will take care of the decorations and stuff, so that's on me but Lele and Ji will assist me" i said which resulted in the two whining. 

"everyone has their role in this, so should you" i glared at the two. "and ours is the most important" i stated. 

"we need to find a name for this ball. Any ideas?" i asked 

 "The 2024 Annual Mafia Ball" jisung deadpanned making the guys laugh. "fine whatever"

"we should have an orchestra or something for this right?" Haechan asked and everyone agreed.

"i know someone for that" Mark said. "great!" i exclaimed 

"see hyuck you guy's have nothing to worry about" I said. "everyone has their roles and know what to do, just send me the details on your progress and if you need any help you can ask me" i smiled. 

"this is exciting" i said as i looked over at Haechan who was staring at me already. 

"please, these balls are far from exciting" Mark sighed and Haechan nodded making me frown. "why?" 




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HAE_CHAN story

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