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Author Pov

Haechan knocked on the door anxiously holding a bouquet of yellow roses. He was finely dressed.

( sorry guys but as you may of realized I'm not very good in descriptions so i stick to pictures)

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( sorry guys but as you may of realized I'm not very good in descriptions so i stick to pictures)

The door opened and he was faced with the woman who he hasn't seen for years. The woman he considered his second mother, his mother's best friend Jaeha. She still had that heart warming smile that made Haechan's heart swell.

"Donghyuck dear..." she pulled him in for a hug patting his back softly. "ahh how i've missed you" she broke the hug and brought him inside the house to the their living room.

"uhm these are for you?" he said passing her bouquet of yellow roses.

Haechan was a cold person but it was hard for him to keep up his cold facade when it came to the people close to his heart, the people he deeply cared about.

"i wasn't sure if you still liked Yellow roses..." she shook her head with a wide smile on her face. "i still love them, thank you dear" he gave her a small smile looking around.

"hanuel will be down in a bit, take a seat" he nodded , "can you put this in a vase please" she said to their helper.

"so how have you been and Diana, how is she?" she asked Haechan taking a seat in front of him. "we are both fine" she nodded looking down started to feel guilty.

"i'm really sorry we couldn't stay with you when you needed us the most" he looked up and saw the sadness in her eyes and he instantly shook his head "it's okay i know ya'll were ment to leave months before that but stayed so Neul and i could spend more time together then suddenly all that happened... I'm glad you left cause i wouldn't of wanted you guys to be in danger too" he said looking at her.

"just know that whenever you need us now we will be here for you okay" she smiled and he nodded.

"i must say you grew up to be a very handsome man Donghyuck" she complimented him and he chuckled "thanks Aunty Jae"

"i'm very proud of you Donghyuck...you grew up well, your parents will be proud" she said as she stood up and patted the boys head lightly. Haechans heart warmed up at that sentence it felt nice to hear someone tell him that. It wasn't everyday someone told him they were proud of him especially when he's a mafia leader, its not exactly what any normal people would be proud of.

"just make sure to always take care of yourself okay...try not to get hurt" she said looking at him with her loving motherly eyes.

"i won't get hurt, i'm really good at what i do aunt and i promise i won't let anything happen to Neul" he smiled and she nodded with a laugh. "i know, you are just like your parents, very bold and brave, also bare with Neul she is stubborn and isn't use to that type of life yet" he nodded understandingly.

"talking about me?" a voice said.

Haechan stood up and looked behind him and was faced with the most beautiful girl who owned his whole world. She had that beautiful smile on her face that made her look so innocent and cute even in that hot black dress she wore.

He walked towards her taking her hand in his, bringing her palm to his lips and placing a soft kiss above it then looking at her deeply. "you look gorgeous love" Hanuel's eye's widened, the feeling of his lips on her skin left a thousand butterflies fluttering in her tummy and she knew that for the rest of the night it wasn't going to stop, especially with Haechan behaving the way he is now.

"you look h-handsome too" she said anywhere but at his eyes. Haechan smirked knowing the effect he is having on her now.

It took Jaeha everything to not start screaming at their interaction. If it was one thing she knew, that would be that Donghyuck was definitely the perfect man for her daughter. She knew as much as Hanuel hated violence but the fictional books she and her daughter would read would say otherwise. Secretly she knew Hanuel was manifesting a man like Donghyuck she just needs time to accept him the way he is.

"okay kids you should get going for your date, have fun alright!" she said shooing them out the door. 


"you're still not gonna tell me where we are going?" she asked looking at Haechan with one her one hand under her chin. He shook his head as he focused on the road driving with his one hand on the steering wheel "nope, it's a surprise for a reason babygirl".

Hanuel sighed playing with her fingers, a thing she did when she was nervous. Haechan noticed and placed his free hand on her thigh making her flinch at the sudden cold contact of his hand. She looked up at him and blinked a little to fast then looked down when he looked at her.

"i know you are nervous for our first date but there is no need to be. It may be our first but it definitely won't be our last" he said and she nodded slowly.

Throughout the 20 minute drive Haechan's hand never left her thigh and his touch brought slight comfort to her and made her nerves calm down a bit.

Haechan had stopped the car in front of a huge building, walking outside and opened the door and brought his hand forward for hanuel to take which she gladly accepted and stepped out of the car.


Hanuel pov

As we followed a man who guided us to our destination and once we reached I was in complete aww at the dinner setting. It was beautiful and romantic but what caught my eye more was that it was a bit outside where we could get a great view of Seoul's city lights and the river. Everything about this was beautiful. 

"hyuck..." i looked beside me only to see him holding a large black bouquet of red roses. My eyes widened and so did my smile when he reached them out to me.

"roses for the beautiful girl" i thanked him, taking the flowers and smelling it to hide my blushing face.

"this is all really beautiful hyuck" he nodded

"the night is only starting babygirl" his smile now formed a smirk.

THE PRESENT ISN'T LIKE THE PAST  ♡   LEE DONGHYUCKWhere stories live. Discover now