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Haechan pov

It's been a week since i last saw Haneul in Jaemins office. Though I have been getting Intel on her from Jisung and Jaemin on how she is. That day when I met her, I was so happy literally nothing could explain the happiness I felt though I had to keep that to myself, when she eyed me up and down I knew she was checking me out with her chocolate brown orbs cause I was doing the exact same thing. Neul grew up to be a beautiful young and strong woman and I'm proud of her for that. She was exactly how I imagined her to be. She was still shorter then me and looked cute and tiny in my eyes but hot at the same time.

I want to go infront of her so badly and to just embrace her but I don't have it in me right now to do that. I have a feeling that if she finds out what I do and what I've become she's going to hate me. Neul hates violence or anything leading to it so she will hate me when she finds out that I'm a Mafia Leader.

I punched the boxing bag hard as Mark tried to hold it in place. This is what I did when I needed to cool off, I would train and train until all the energy has left my body. After I lost my parents I started losing control of my anger easily, I've always had this issue but before I had my mom and Neul to calm me down. Nowadays Diara tries to help but I'd rather keep distance in that situation then to hurt her in a fit of rage.

"Come on dude you need a break" Mark said as he tried to get me to stop.

"I didn't ask you to be here with me Mark" I snapped at him. "I need time to cool off on my own" I said as I was throwing my fists at the punching bag.

He rolled his eyes "Do I ever listen to you unless I really need to" I grunted at him and stopped punching the bag.

I sat down on one of the bar stools in our gym. He handed me bottle of water which I then gulped down.

He took a seat next to me and I instantly knew I was in for a lecture. Mark is one of my best friends and like an older brother to me more then he is my second in command. He's always there when I need someone to talk to, he's never left my side even if I did the most stupid thing possible though he does correct me or gives his opinion when he feels I'm doing something wrong.

"Is this about Haneul?" I sighed

I didn't say anything so he took that as a yes.
Our whole group knows about my relationship with Haneul because they were there when I had moments where I would cry and breakdown for her at my most toughest moments cause i needed her comfort. Plus we all were childhood friends except Chenle and Jisung who came in later on.

"are you scared about her reaction?"
I stayed silent again.

"Dude you know that she loves you right, she wouldn't care about what you are and what you do"

"She hates Violence Mark" I deadpanned.

"so make her not hate it, Chan what we do doesn't involve harming innocent people you know none of us work that way and she will understand that"

He had a point, I've never harmed an innocent person, whoever we have dealt with was always a criminal in some way or the other.

I was about to answer him when the ringtone of my phone interrupted me. I took it out of my pocket only to see Jaemins contact on the caller screen.

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