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I walked around the crowded cafeteria after getting my lunch which was a chocolate muffin and water cause I wasn't really hungry.

I made eye contact with Yeri who was waving at me from a round table that had two guys and one girl already sitting there at a corner of the cafeteria

I smiled lightly and walked over to them and shyly waved as they stared at me with a welcoming smile.
"Hi I'm Haneul but you can call me Hana"

"come sit then they'll introduce themselves" Yeri said as she pulled me to sit down next to her and the other girl with red hair.

The red head waved "I'm Anna" she smiled

The next dude screenced like a dolphin which made me flinch in shock. The dude next to him hit his shoulder lightly as the Blonde dolphin dude just laughed.

"Sorry about that but hii I'm Chenle, nice to meet you" he said
"nice to meet you to" I chuckled

I looked over to the next guy who seemed shy.
"Hi I'm Jisung" he simply waved with a small smile.

"okay so now that you've met the group how about you tell us something about yourself" Yeri stated.

I nodded and cleared my throat.
"well I've been living in New York for almost 9 years and just arrived back here yesterday" i said and they looked really invested in what i was saying.

"Oh wow, what is it like there?" Anna

"there isn't that much of a difference to be honest, both has amazing people and is a busy city, maybe only the food is the difference" they all nodded

"I've always wanted to go to New York City" Yeri sulked.

"we should go one time, I can give you all an amazing tour too" the two girls had immediately nodded excitingly.

"so why did you move Hana" Chenle asked
"family business" I answered.

I stared opening my cupcake paper to take a bite.
"is that all you eating?" Jisung eyed my cupcake.
"I'm not that hungry so it's enough for me"

We all went back to talking, me telling them more about my life. They were really friendly and welcoming. I was glad I made some new friends on my first day and friends who obviously wasn't trying to use me for money or fame, in fact they were also from rich families. Chenle's family being one of the richest in China, Jisung's dad owning an entertainment company, Yeri's parents being top doctors and Anna's family was in politics.


Around 1pm I went home and made some quick snacks and lunch for Jaemin and dad like I always did. I made cute designs on it as well, other then my love for fashion i also loved cooking. 

I made extra for mum to drop of for her as well, i knew she would be really busy as fashion week was coming up

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I made extra for mum to drop of for her as well, i knew she would be really busy as fashion week was coming up. They all would also be finishing late today as it is their first day in their new companies so I have to make sure they eat and take care of themselves.

THE PRESENT ISN'T LIKE THE PAST  ♡   LEE DONGHYUCKWhere stories live. Discover now