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chenle: you girls really wanna go clubbing tonight?

yeri: yep its been a while

anna : its also the first time hana is going to be clubbing with us

jisung: idk if I'm gonna go😬

anna: FUCK YOU JI! you always don't wanna go with us 

come on losen up dude

ji do you really not wanna go☹

jisung: im not really a party and alcohol lover 

yeri: no one said you need drink to have fun

anna: exactly and since you're not gonna be drinking you can make sure the rest of us don't do something stupid while drunk instead of us having yeri's brother coming to babysit us.

lol my brother does the same🤣

yeri: oh yeah doyoung isn't gonna be too happy this time. he seems to always be so moody nowdays. them man hormones are back

gurlll thats not male hormones wtf😭🤣🤣🤣

male hormones is something else 

anna: male hormones as in moods??? who told u that

chenle: i question how you made it to college 

yeri: believe me i question that question alot too😑

anyways park jisung you are coming whether you like it or not otherwise im gonna come drag you😋

jisung: damn okay 

chenle: should we pick you girls up?

yeri: yess plss

anna: you better cause i can't drive back 

well if yall can? i could ask my brother but i think he's working late tonight

chenle: nah its cool ji and i will pick you up.

jisung: see you idiots at 8pm



Mum and dad was stuck in meetings so i decided to ask Jaemin for permission. 

Yes i am 19 years old but i still have to ask for permission before leaving the house to go clubbing. 








dry mf 

anyways im going clubbing with my friends okayyy

okay but be safe let me know if you need me to pick you up after 

nah its cool, jisung doesn't plan to drink so he'll bring us all back 

that 6ft tall giant shy baby is going to bring all of you back home?

uhh yeah...

well then, good luck to him

yeahh yeah okay, don't forget to eat dinner and rest when you can don't drown in coffee, byeeeeee

yeah you don't drink to much okay and keep away from drunk guys. byee love you

kk love you tooo brother❤



First club night in Korea🖤

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First club night in Korea🖤

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Author pov

It was 30 minutes passed 8 when the guys picked her up since she was the last one to be picked up. The 3 girls talking about how much fun they plan to have tonight.

"i need to get laid" yeri blurted out making the girls laugh and the boys make a gaging sound. 

"no ones getting laid please, you going there to drink and dance nothing else" jisung said pleading

"you just mad cause you get no bitches" anna fired at him making chenle scream and laugh like a dolphin.

"she got you good bro" he laughed making jisung laugh.

"if i wanted i could get girls, I'm just not interested" he said as he focused on driving.

"oh by the way Hana did you tell Haechan hyung that you're going to the club" jisung asked and the said girl shook her head "nope, we haven't spoken since that day plus why do i need to tell him? he doesn't own my life" she rolled her eyes.

She would be lying if she said she wasn't a bit upset with him for not even giving her a call to say he's okay and alive, she wanted to hear his voice but she wouldn't openly admit it. She was upset with him because just 3 days ago he said they were going to start over but here he was ignoring her. She has messaged him but she's still been left on received since.

Though all that was for her to stress about again tomorrow. Tonight she just wants to let loose and have fun with her new found friends. 

THE PRESENT ISN'T LIKE THE PAST  ♡   LEE DONGHYUCKWhere stories live. Discover now