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The car ride was silent for most of the way. Haechan just focusing on the road and Haneul looking out the window thinking about today's events. 

"Will you say something?"

Haechan said as he looked over at her then back at the road.

"what do you want me to say HAECHAN" she sighed  "oh I'm so happy you chose to be in a gang as a profession. I'm estatic that you are putting your life in danger everyday." she said in a sarcastic tone.

Haechan's jaw tightened. He knew her anger was valid but it's not like he wanted this life before when they were young. 'Does she not know people change' he thought

"I'm not putting my life in danger Neul, i know what I'm doing, I'm no immature in this field, i've been training since i was 16" he said and she scoffed

"yeah like that makes me feel any better, did you not have a proper teenage and schooling life?" she asked with concern laced in her voice.

"Neul i was left to deal with shit on my own, yes i had my uncle and aunt but i could never burden them with my problems, D was still young and we didn't have our parents. Not only did i have play a role of a brother but of a parent as well. i had school and training too. My life wasn't easy when you weren't here Neul...the mafia life wasn't exactly something i wanted but it was all i had left of my parents and the only thing that could help me find their killers."

Haneul sat silently taking in his words and he had a point.

Donghyucks life had indeed taken a drastic turn when his parents passed away and Hanuel couldn't help but feel guilty for leaving him alone during the time he needed her the most. Her heart fell heavy thinking of how much he had to suffer without his parents. Yes she doesn't know how he is actually feeling since she never experienced it and wouldn't wish to but now that she's here with him again she want's to try again, to be there for him. Donghyuck wasn't the boy she was once knew, he wasn't that big ball of sunshine who was the class clown and always brought a smile to peoples faces. Now he was Haechan, in this few hours she spent with him after years she could just see the change in him, his doe eyes had lost their spark, he barely smiled, his aura now made it feel like people should stay away from him. But she was willing to stay with him now, to give what they have a shot with this new him, she was willing to try but right now she just needed time to think.

Soon enough Haechan pulled up in front of her mansion. He looked over at her with a little hope in his eyes that she would give him a chance, he tried to hide his weakness for her but he was desperate.

Hanuel also looked at him making eye contact. "I'm sorry you suffered Hyuck i really am but i...i just need a little time okay, just to process all of this. My feelings for you haven't changed and i don't think it ever will but you've clearly changed and to the type of person I'm not used to..."

he cut her of "what if i can make you fall for the knew me? hmm, lets start over" he whispered deeply staring at her as she was speechless.

Haechans powerful gaze made Hanuel stiff in her spot. She never heard him sound like that before and suddenly she was shut and flustered.

"i can promise you that you fall deeper for me now then you had for me before" he said lifting his hand up to remove a piece of Neuls hair away from her face to behind her ear.

She didn't know why but suddenly his touch had sent an electrifying feeling through her body.

"love if you're scared because of me being a mafia leader then i promise to protect you with anything and everything i can, i will not let a single person lay even a finger on you" Haechan said as he cupped her left cheek making her close her eyes.

"its not that I'm scared for myself Hyuck, I'm scared for you, i felt like i was gonna have a heart attack when i saw you fighting those men today, i don't want you getting hurt but..." she sighed "if this is what you want then I'm willing to try and keep up with this knew life of yours" she smiled slightly opening her eyes to look at him.

For once in a long time she saw a smile on his face a genuine smile. The most beautiful smile she had seen in her life. One of the things she always loved about him and that was his smile, he could brighten up the whole world with it.

"thanks for giving me another chance babygirl" he said placing a soft peck on her forehead making her blush a little more then she already was. 

THE PRESENT ISN'T LIKE THE PAST  ♡   LEE DONGHYUCKWhere stories live. Discover now