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Haechan pov

"Stop getting distracted Jisung!" I whispered yelled to Jisung through our ear piece.
"sorry boss" he said

I rolled my eyes as I held my gun tighter and made my way through the dark hallway of an abandoned building. One of our rivals had stolen some of the shipments so we have come to get them back as well as to take them down.

"Jeno there's 3 at the left behind that door" Renjun said through our ear piece.

Our main members were of Lee Jeno our strongest Fighter and weapon expert, Park Jisung the assassin, Lee Mark an ace and my second in command, Huang Renjun our highly experienced Hacker, Zhong Chenle our Medic and Me, Lee Haechan the leader of Dream. We're not only work mates but also best friends who live together.

Dream was only 1 unit of NCT, there was also our China unit and the 127 unit run by my oldest cousin brother Lee Taeyong, he is the leader of the whole NCT Mafia.

"Jun how many are there in total?" Mark asked him.

"around 15" Renjun answered.
"this is going to end in no time if that's the case" I smirked

"Haechan 2 at the right, behind the wall, be careful guys they are armed with 2 guns each" he said

I kept my eyes on on the wall that the two members are hiding at. I quickly got behind one of the pillars. One member started shooting but I quickly shot him on his chest. The other member started shooting as well but I was fast enough and shot him in the head.

I smirked "2 down 13 more to go"
"make that 5 down boss" Jeno said
"uhm make that 10" Jisung said
"actually we're all done" Renjun said and chuckled
"Mark took down the rest" he continued.

We all laughed as we met at the entrance again.

'and these lowlifes had the audacity to think they could mess with us when their men were so fucking useless'

"this was like the easiest one yet, we didn't even have to fight" Jisung said with a smirk plastered on his face and we all agreed

"this was a small gang that had guts to steal from us well at least they learned their lesson even if it was to late" I smirked.

We started walking of to the van as the guards started taking our stuffs back to our trucks to have them moved into our warehouse.

"so have you heard about Jaemin being back in Seoul?" Jeno asked me and I nodded.
" he told me they were arriving today"

Na Jaemin, my childhood bestfriend who left years ago but finally returned, though i never kept contact with Haneul i did have contact with Jaemin to keep me informed on how things were going. I was beyond thrilled when i found out they were returning back to Seoul.

"they?" Jeno looked confused
"is it his whole family?" he asked and I nodded.

My thoughts drifting of to Neul. I haven't seen her in years. I miss her so bad. I've wanted to meet her but after my parents died and I was left to stay with Uncle Minho then soon after when I turned 16 they started training me to join the families gang. All I want is to avenge my parents death but the search for those bastards is still ongoing. I know Neul will hate this side of me but it's not something I could control.

The urge of wanting vengeance for my parents made me become the killer I am today. I show no mercy to my enemies and I'm glad they fear me.

I was going to wait till Neul turned 18 to approach her but Jaemin informed me that they will be returning to Seoul soon so I decided to wait till that happens.

"guys I'm going to go out for a bit I'll be back in a few hours" Mark said as he got onto his bike and put his helmet.

"off to the club?" Jisung asked and he nodded with a smug look.
"you know I gotta blow of some steam, care to join" Jisung instantly shook his head. Jisung wasn't the type to go clubbing being the introvert he is.

"I'll join" Jeno said with a smirk as he also got onto his bike.

"so I guess it's just you and I Hyung" Ji said as he got into the drivers seat.

Outside the mafia work Mark was basically a fuck boy. Always playing around with different girls. Same goes with Jeno. The two never bothered to get into serious relationships as they felt it would way the down and take away their freedom. Renjun would just rather stay in his hacking room the whole day or read like nerd he is, while Chenle and Jisung were basically kids outside the mafia work, always playing video games or playing some or the other pranks on us but they are also in their first year of college. No one would say they are Mafia members.

As for me I never really cared about other women cause my heart was already taken by one, my one and only Haneul. We promised each other that we would wait for each other and thats what I did. I just had to live with our past memories until we finally meet again. I was only ever friendly with those close to me other then that people kept their distance, thankfully otherwise it wouldn't end up well for them.

As Jisung drove, I opened my window and put a cigarette between my lips and lighting it.

"Haechan Hyung I heard that you guys friend Jaemin is in Seoul, are you going to be meeting him soon?" he peaked over at me then focused back on the road.

I puffed and nodded "Yeah I will one of these days"

"Cool, can I come with?" he asked

"Why?" I looked over at him Confused.

"Nothing really, I heard alot about him from the other hyungs and just wanted to see who he is" he smiled a little.

"sure I'll take you with me, I'm sure he'll love you, Jaem is a really loving and friendly guy" I said as I remember some of our childhood moments.

"I'm actually going to meet him around Noon tomorrow at his company, so you can join me" he nodded excitedly.

Now who would say this tall baby looking guy is an Assassin.

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