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Haneul Pov

Its been 3 days since i last saw Donghyuck. Chenle and Jisung said he was really busy with work in the other gang he is in, so i didn't question it. I was currently in our fashion lecture where the professor was explaining the different types of material textures and stuff.

"okay students its that time where you have to do your fashion idol project. i want you guys to do it on someone who you really look up to in the world of fashion and i want a full course research. You each will have one partner who i will pair you up with and you guys have 1 month to get this done, i will now call out your partners..." the professor started calling out the names, as i waited for my name to be called i looked around the room watching everyone's reactions as they got partnered up. I wasn't familiar with anyone in the class yet as i was staying to myself but i was hoping that whoever i was working with was bearable enough to work with, because another thing i hated and that was people who payed zero attention to their work and liked to procrastinate.

I was the type of student who would always have her work done before the deadline and always made sure everything was done right.

"Na Haneul and Hwang Hyunjin..." i looked at the professor then around wondering who this Hwang Hyunjin is, though what was weird was the fact that the whole room went silent, only the voice of the professor was heard.

'why are they suddenly so quite' i thought as i noticed that the students who were around me stared at me then behind me and was muttering something that was barely audible for me to hear.

I made eye contact with Raena who was my right seat mate.

"uhm do you know who Hwang Hyunjin is?" she looked at me then at the person behind me and back at me.

'wait is he sitting behind me?' i thought to myself and turned around to be faced with a blonde long haired guy who definitely looked like he was from the front page of a fashion magazine.

'wait is he sitting behind me?' i thought to myself and turned around to be faced with a blonde long haired guy who definitely looked like he was from the front page of a fashion magazine

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He stared at me with a smug look. " i am hyunjin, you must be haneul?" i nodded and he put his hand out for a shake which i accepted.

"nice to meet you" i smiled and he nodded.

"you should give me your number so we can meet and discuss the project" he said and i gave him my phone so he could scan for my number, i could feel hard stares on me and i noticed how some of the girls in the class was glaring at me. 

'oh...he has fangirls' , 'lol i ain't interested in him girls' i internally laughed to myself 

After exchanging numbers the class had just ended. I quickly packed my things getting ready to leave since i was meeting the girls at the Starbucks near our university before our next class in 2 hours.

"hey Hanuel" Raena said making me look up at her. "becareful of hyunjin and his fangirls okay" she whispered looking near us where the said guy stood with one of our girl classmates and they literally looked like they were eye fucking.


"noted Raena, plus i have a boyfriend...well kinda so I'm not phased by him" i smiled at her and she nodded walking away.

'should i be considering Donghyuck as my boyfriend even if he didn't ask me out? i don't know I'll just ask him when i see him'



Starbucks with the girls @ye_ri @annaria

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Starbucks with the girls @ye_ri @annaria



andy_sung: where was our invitation?

annaria: you guys had class

zong_lele: meanies :(

- we are all hanging out later lele and Ji

- class is important

andy_sung: its annoying, my math is'nt mathing

ye_ri: then get off your phone and concentrate in class 

zong_lele: yes mum

- lol


" I can't believe you're paired up with one of the biggest playboys of SNU!" Yeri said absolutely shocked.

As we were all discussing our morning classes i told them about mine as well.

"you really need to becareful of him Hana" Anna said to me with worry.

"its okay girls and i was already warned about him, i've ignored many guys in my life and kept things strictly to work and he will just be another one of them" i said taking a sip of my drink and hummed at the sweetness.

"yeah but that man, as hot as he is, he has his way with getting any woman he wants" Yeri said and Anna nodded agreeing to with her.

"well its a good thing I'm not interested in him and a very stubborn person" i smiled cheekily and they laughed "plus i already have someone" i continued.

The two now stared at me with teasing looks. "is it Mr Biker boy" Anna asked wiggling her eyebrows making me blush a little.

Yeri squealed making everyone near us look at her and she nervously laughed. "sorry but you guys would look so cute together" she smiled

"i mean we do go back a long time" i muttered

"woah really???" Anna asked and i nodded

After explaining to them about mine and Haechans history but leaving out the whole mafia part, the two girls started teasing me so much my face was probably red from blushing.

"childhood lovers coming together after years trope is what i live for" yeri said and we all laughed.

THE PRESENT ISN'T LIKE THE PAST  ♡   LEE DONGHYUCKWhere stories live. Discover now