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Haneul pov

"will you say something?" I said to Donghyuck who was staring outside the huge window.
"we've been sitting here for 30 minutes in silence"

"what's have you been doing for all these years Hyuck?"
"It's Haechan" he finally spoke.

He looked up and met my eye.
I scoffed and glared at him
"Just because you have a new name doesn't mean I will call you by it" i said sassily rolling my eyes.

He laughed bitterly "You should be lucky you're someone close to me otherwise no one is allowed to speak to me like that"

"and as for what I've been doing all these years I don't think you would want to know about that" he said as he fidgeted with the rings on his fingers.

I eyed him suspiciously.
What could he have possibly be doing all these years.

"I want to know" I said confidently.
"I'm going to find out anyway right?" 

He sighed "I'm a Mafia leader" he whispered looking down.

A what?, did I just hear right??

Is he joking right now?

How did that sweet, innocent teenage boy turn into a Mafia boss.

I'm speechless.

Now that I think of it his look does give it away.
He seems to love black but anyone can.
He's more muscular and buff now, probably cause he trains a lot.
He also seems to have a lot of tattoos and the piercings. He looks hot with them, no lie there.
Though I do find his lip ring  more quite attractive.

Damnit Haneul now is not the time to think about that.

But overall i should of guessed since he gave of that gangster mafia typa vibe. i didn't really know much about them other then what i read about in the fictional books or what i've watched in those action movies dad and i watch together.

This means that he does illegal stuff. He's basically a criminal!?

I stared at him not being able to say a single word.

"for how long?" i asked 

"been training since 16 and became the leader at 18" he answered

Did he even get to enjoy his childhood?!


"its my family business. That's the reason my parents were killed, a rival gang had attacked our house, after dad died I was put to train and take charge of that gang. I didn't refuse cause I want to avenge my parents murder. I want justice for them. They didn't deserve to be killed like that"
I watched how his jaw clenched and his fists tightened.

I sighed rubbing my forehead.
"there are other ways to get justice for Aunt and Uncle, Hyuck violence and committing crimes isn't the only way out, you could of always go to the cops"

He laughed in a sarcastic manner.
"Neul the cops closed my parents murder case saying it was a break in and robbery. Things are different in the unworld. Some of the cops work for mafias as well"

"Fine so you just chose to give up everything for this revenge of yours. Do you kill people Donghyuck? " I asked quietly as I stared into his eyes that now looked emotionless and blank.

"Yes but..."

I immediately stood up.

This is to much of information for me for one day. Way to much to process. I grabbed my bag putting in on my shoulder, ready to walk out when he grabbed my wrist.

"Haneul just listen to me, I don't kill innocent people only bad people who are criminals as well" he said looking at me.

I tried to get my hand out of his hold but I couldn't, he was to strong for someone as small and weak as me.

"That doesn't change the fact that you kill people Haechan." i could see the slight change in his eyes as i called him by his so called new name.

" Those people must also have families whose hurting like you, did you ever think of that" I glared at him.

If there was one thing i hated and that was violence, yes i watched a lot of action movies but only because they were my dads favorite and we would always debate on it after. 

i couldn't stand seeing people get hurt, whether emotionally or physically and he knows that.

"Haneul you can't just ditch me because of what I do"

"I'm not ditching you and what do you mean ditching, we haven't been together since we were young and as you said you've changed how would I know if your feeling hasn't changed as well?"

"look I..."
I was about to continue when sounds of gunshots was heard outside the Cafe.

"shit" He groaned

My eyes widened when he held my wrist tighter and dragged me to another exit of the Cafe while running.

What on earth is going on.

I looked behind and saw a black van that had some men coming out from it while holding guns.

I looked back at Donghyuck and saw he had his phone by his ear.
"I need Back up ASAP, some assholes thought it was a good idea for a surprise attack"

Damn he sounds mad. I shouldn't say anything and just follow him.

We ran into a quite alley and stopped half way. He took out a black hand gun from his back pocket that I didn't even know he had with him.

"what are you..."

"go and hide behind that Wall! " he glared at me

I gasped "are you mad!? I'm not leaving you here"

"I can fend for myself, can't you just listen to me for once Haneul just go there until I tell you to come out okay" he pushed me behind a wall and walked away.


Haechan pov

Whoever this fuckers are who thought it was a good idea to gang up on me and attack me when I'm alone with Neul made a big mistake because now they have another thing coming their way.

As some of them started coming into the alley I started to shot them one by one as i hid behind another wall. No one can get away once they mess with Lee Haechan.

After shooting down around 10 men my bullets had finished.

'Shit, I hope the members will be here soon.'

Guess I'll have to use my knife for now.
I grabbed my pocket knife from my jacket pocket.

I looked to my side and saw Haneul was still there.
She has to be safe. I will keep her safe. I won't let anything happen to her.

She may hate me now but things will change, I'll make sure of that cause I'm never letting her go from me again.

THE PRESENT ISN'T LIKE THE PAST  ♡   LEE DONGHYUCKWhere stories live. Discover now