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Haneul pov

He stared at me deeply.
"are we going on that" I pointed at the black motorbike behind him and he nodded.

I looked at it, admiring how cool it looked but I was scared that I could fall of.
"You're dropping me at home..."
He shook his head cutting me of "nope we're going out for coffee" he blurted out.

"you didn't even ask me" I raised and eyebrow at him.
He shrugged "I don't like asking"


He picked up one of the two helmets he had laying on his bike. I was close to him already but he held my wrist and pulled me closer, basically in between his legs and he put the helmet over my head.

I couldn't bring myself to say anything, all I did was stare at his face.
His face that looked so familiar yet unknown to me. From his paled tone brown skin to the moles around his face and his eyes. His deep brown orbs that seemed to hold so much of emotions.

Haechan seems so mysterious.

I didn't realize I was gawking at him until he snapped his fingers infront of me.

I looked away and cleared my throat.

"Do I really know you?" I asked mumbled but it was audible for him.

"you'll find out in a bit, now get on" he said.

I nodded and got on the back of the bike. When I did he also got on.

I instantly held a bit of his leather jacket as I was scared. I never went on a motorbike before even though Jaemin has one, he didn't want to take me on it to scared i might fall of but now i see why.

"you might want to hold on tighter love, we wouldn't want you to fall of now, would we" I heard him chuckled.
I rolled my eyes but agreed.
I put my hands around his shoulders.

From the rear view mirror I could see him smiling.

And here all I thought he could do was smirk.

He turned on the motorbike and started driving off in a fast speed.

"Yah! Can you drive slow please" I said with my eyes shut tightly.

I heard him laugh "there's no fun in that love"
"can you stop calling me love"

"I'll think about it" he chuckled

This guy really seems to like to test peoples patience.

I opened my eyes as I felt the wind hit my skin. It sent a shiver down my spine cause light goosebumps.

The view was amazing.
I like this.

I smiled as we went passed a park that had children playing around. I liked small kids, they were all adorable.

We stopped in front of a cafeteria that was like 10 minutes away from the university.
I got of the bike and tried to take the helmet off but he put it on really tight.

I groaned and pouted.
"why did you put it so tight" I glared at him.

He smiled and started opening it.
I rubbed my cheeks when he took it of.

He surprised me when he intertwined our hands and dragged me inside with him.
The theme was my favorite purple and white colour.
I stared around in Aww.

It wasn't too busy inside as well.

"you can go find a seat I'll order our drinks" I squinted my eyes at him.

"how do you know what I want?"

He smiled "your favorite is Affogato, cause you just love Ice cream with coffee" I stared at him shocked.

"How did..."
"just go get our seat before they get more busy" he slight pushed me away and went to order.


Haechan pov

'She must be thinking I'm a creep or a stalker'. I laughed at the thought.

"hi can I have one Chocolate Affogato and one Irish coffee with 2 slices of red velvet cake please" I said my order to the man in front and paid for it.

Somethings about you never changed Neul.

I sat in front of her and watched as her attention went from outside to me.


"you probably have alot of questions"
She nodded.

"ask away"

"how do you know me, well other then being my brothers friend"

"why do you feel like I know you?"

She glared at me "Don't answer a question with a question Haechan"

"you seem familiar to me but I can't figure out how and..."
She stopped talking and sighed.
"just answer my question"

She asked impatiently.

One thing I loved about her is that she was always curious about everything and anything, she also had zero patience.

"Yes we do know each other, for quite long too, though you did leave me many years ago" I stared at her deeply starting to feel hurt at that memory.

I was hurt when she left me but I understood it wasn't in her control, she was only 10 and had to follow her parents wherever they went.

She looked into my eyes and her confused stare turned soft as if she could see the hurt in my eyes.

"Are you D-Donghyuck?" she whispered looking down at her fingers and biting her lip, which she had the habit to do when nervous.

"If I said I was would it change your perspective of me?" i asked knowing that she didn't see me, haechan as a sweet guy.

"if I told you that your Donghyuck is no more alive, he died the day his parents was brutally murdered and the day his childhood love left him, will it made a difference to you"

She was about to speak but the waiter had brought our orders and placed it infront of us.

We thanked her and when she walked away Neul stared at me.
"I'm sorry", "i should of recognized you from before...I'm sorry i didn't" she said looking back down.

I sighed
"it wasn't your fault Neul so you don't need to be sorry, I've never blamed you for leaving, but I missed you so fucking much it was so unbearable at some points" I said as I looked down at my cup.

I took a sip and felt the slight burn in my throat from the whiskey taste.

"but still I should of been with you as your best friend and I wasn't there for you, I couldn't even keep contact with you, I missed you everyday too for the past 9 years all I had was our memories to live with Hyuck"


i missed hearing that name come from her mouth.


Haneul pov

I couldn't figure out what was going on his head.
Me being surprised that he is Donghyuck would be an understatement.

I'm flabbergasted. The whole time the love of my life was in front of me but I couldn't recognize him. He changed so much not only from his looks but it seems like his personality has changed too.


Well now she knows and they have met
What do you all think will happen in future?

Also am I moving to fast?
Honest opinion guys.

And thanks for supporting❤️

THE PRESENT ISN'T LIKE THE PAST  ♡   LEE DONGHYUCKWhere stories live. Discover now