Slumbering Secrets (revising)

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(This takes place 6 months after she gave birth to the twins)

Alexis slowly approached the door to the girl's room.
She really not sure what to expect. What she was able to gather was that this was a tradition that girls  from a young age participate in. She guess she had missed out on this since she grew up surrounded by males.

When she was in the kitchen with everyone earlier,  the girl's were busy preparing, the conversation was brought up because of a pouting Luffy.

"What are you pouting about now, Luffy?" Ussop asked "it's not fair. Alexis gets to go to a party and I can't"

"What is this about a party?" they all looked over at her as she shrugged "nothing really. Nami and Robin just invited me this so called slumber party" she casually said as she took a bite of her food.

Sanji noodled danced over to her "Alexis-swan and the girls are having a sleep over" he gushes as he fantasizes about all three of the girl's have naked pillow fights, and other perverted stuff.

Alexis scooted closer to Kid, the faces Sanji is currently making, made her uneasy.

Kid wrapped his arm around her, shooting a glare at the curly brow cook.

"Yo, curly brows. Take it down a notch would you. Some of us are trying to properly digest our food"

Sanji stops swooning and goes to yell at the green haired swordsman. Alexis smiled as she watched them. They are always up to the same old antics.

"That sounds fun." Brook spook up "I wouldn't know. Never been to one of these before" she stated as she took another bite of her food.

They all stopped to look at her "But isn't what most girls do?" Ussop wondered.

She arched a brow at this "Do I look like most girls to you" she teased.

"You're right never mind" This caused her to laugh.

"Truth is I never got to do what most little girls do growing up. I was raised with my three brothers. Even then most of the population on the island were male. There weren't any girls my age. Not like I cared any ways. I had many fun adventures with my brothers"

Luffy grins over at her getting over is pouting quickly. "Oh yeah tons of adventures." They both started telling both of their favorite shenanigans they got up to. While everyone eagerly listen.

Alexis then shrugged, "So yeah no slumbering parties what so ever"

She looked at the time. "Well you boys do try to stay out of trouble" with that she headed out.

They all shared a look before grinning. They were so going to eavesdrop on the girls, dragging poor Law along.

Alexis checked in on Bepo since he was looking after the twins today, he was the best babysitter she could ever asked for. She absolutely adored the way he interacts with them.

She knocked at the door, but before she had time to put her hand back down, the door opened as several  appendages grabbed her, yanking her inside. She was then put down in a chair as the door was shut and locked.

Alexis was held down by roped arms causing her to sigh "Is this necessary, Robin?"

She smiles "I apologize Alexis"  she didn't mean it.

Alexis tilted her head "so is this how these things go?"

Nami made a face "no, have you never been to a sleep over"

She rolled her eyes "then why the restraints"

Nami grins "so you don't run"

She arched a brow "and why would I do that?"

The Requirements For Love (Trafalgar Law x OC x Eustass Kid) (revising )Where stories live. Discover now