Poisoned (revising)

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It had been a long first week after the twins were born. They were born three weeks early, needing to be kept in NICU to be monitored for a couple of days, but being of Eustass Kid's DNA they turned out to be just fine. Alexis was happy to be able to hold them in her arms. Kid was happy to have the feeling return to his hand, later asking Law to scan his hand to check for breaks. Law rolls his eyes and mumbles under his breath, "Big baby."

Alexis took to being a mother very quickly.

Law and Kid constantly hover around trying to assist where they could. Everyone was ecstatic to meet the little ones. That was until Alexis kicked everyone,  but her lovers out for being too noisy.

7 months later

Law sighs as he finished up the last of his paper work. Glancing over he smiled as he watched Alexis asleep with the twins curled  in her arms.

Earlier that day he called ahead to the next Island they were heading to, to schedule something. He didn't tell anyone about why he needed to go but they were fine with it as long as he got the supplies they needed while he was out. 

Once they docked Law made his way off the ship, heading to his destination.  Today was Alexis and Kid's quality time, so they would be distracted with each other and the little ones. Law could sneak off the ship easily.

A couple hours later Law exits the building he had his appointment at, feeling a bit tender from it. He begins heading down an ally way towards the market place to start collecting the items on the list he was given.

Just as he was about to step out, a hooded cloaked man bumped into him, causing him to stumble before catching himself.  He was too distracted to feel a small prick on his arm before the man rushed off grumbling about pirate scums and how they all should die. "Watch where you're going!" He yelled after the man.

Not thinking much of the stranger or the  stinging sensation he felt in his arm, Law went about getting the supplies before heading back to the ship.

By the end of the day the stinging in his arm began to tingle slightly. Law ignored it, thinking it was just falling asleep.

The next day Law woke from a good night sleep feeling exhausted and a bit weak. He sighs as he rubs his eyes. He must be getting sick. He gets up, groaning at the soreness of his left arm. He thinks he must have slept on it wrong. A loud snore pulls him out of his thoughts, looking to see Kid laying half off the bed as the twins slept in between him and Alexis. Law laughs quietly, as he silently scoops up the babies as they started to stir. He would take care of them and let his lovers sleep.

The following day he felt even more tired and weak, lightheadedness joining in on the fun. Law sat in a chair on the deck, listening to Kid ramble on about a bar fight he had gotten into. He began feeling his head swim. Something wasn't right. Before he finished the thought Kid was standing beside him, yelling. "Trafalgar, are you even listening?" His voice sounded funny. Kid pulls him up to stand in front of him. "Why are you ignoring me?" Kid asks.

"I-I wasn't, Eustass-ya." Law slightly swayed on his feet. Kid missed this as he puffed up.

"Yes you were! I was talking and asked you a question. What is going on with you?" Kid's voice faded in and out.

"I wasn't ignoring you on purpose, Eustass-ya. I'm just tired and my head hurts." Law puts his hand to his head.

"Don't make up excuses!" Kid huffed. Law felt his eyes roll up into his head and his knees gave out. Kid caught him, shock apparent on his face. Alexis saw this from across the deck. She had been sitting, holding her sleeping children.

The Requirements For Love (Trafalgar Law x OC x Eustass Kid) (revising )Where stories live. Discover now