Chapter Two

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I fell off my bed and woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring.

"Ugh!" Reaching up, I turned off the alarm and got up off the floor. The clock read 5:52 AM, and I dashed to my closet. I picked out a simple outfit and ran downstairs.

Once in the kitchen, I put coffee to brew and threw some eggs and bacon to cook on the stove. I flipped the eggs and bacon around routinely, and they were done soon. The coffee wasn't done yet, so I busied myself with setting the table for two: Hope and Crista.

This is how my day went on every school day: I got up to make Hope and Crista breakfast, then drove to school in my car. Although Louise treated me like garbage, I actually had a nice car; it was one of the only nice things I had.

Hearing footsteps come down the stairs, I quickly finished serving the table and putting food on plates. The coffee finished, and I poured one cup for each girl.

Running, I put the pots in pans in the dishwasher and hurried upstairs, knowing Hope and Crista wouldn't want me down there. A few minutes later, I was in my room again.

The clock said it was 6:23, so I decided to pick a better outfit. Humming peacefully, I swear I jumped ten feet in the air when my phone rang.

I grabbed it up from where it lay on my bedside table. Sliding the lock, I answered the call.


"Oh. My. GOD. Izzy! The best thing in the whole world just happened! Oh, my gosh, I can't believe it!" I could hear her jumping up and down and squealing on her end of the line.

I rolled my eyes. My best friend, Allison, could get a little over-excited sometimes.

"What is it, Al?" I asked, feigning disapproval.

"Come pick me up! Then, I'll tell you. And I want Starbucks!" she screamed.

Laughing, I shook my head. "Fine. But you're paying!"

She screamed once more and hung up. It was 6:34, so I ran to the restroom and brushed my teeth. Gathering the rest of the things I'd need for school, I ran to my car and headed to Allison's house.

It was a ten minute drive from my house to hers, and, luckily, the radio stations were actually playing good music today. Once I stopped outside her house, she ran out to my car screaming and waving her arms like a mad woman.

Allison yanked the passenger door open and hopped in. She threw her purse and backpack in the backseat, then stared at me. Unblinking, she leaned forward and whispered in my ear, even though we we were the only two in the car.

"What....?" I asked hesitantly.

Leaning back in her seat, she took a deep breath. "You're not going to believe me, but...we're going to see 1D in concert. For your birthday."

My eyebrows pulled together in confusion. "What? If this is another one of your jokes, it's not funny, Allison."

She threw her hands up. "It's not a joke, Iz! I was in the car with my mom, and I. Won. Tickets."

From her facial expression, I could tell she was serious. "Oh. My. God. WE'RE GOING TO SEE THE BOYS!" I screamed and started bouncing up and down in my seat. My little fit lasted a while until the honking of the horn snapped me out of it.

"Do you have the tickets? Are they just tickets? Or are they backstage passes, too? What if-" Allison put her hand up to stop my endless parade of questions.

"No, I don't have them, and they're just tickets," she said quickly.

I nodded slowly. "How are you getting the tickets?"

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