Chapter Seventeen

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As soon as I walked on stage, I saw her. She was sitting in the crowd with her friend, directly in front of the stage, about the fourth row back.

"Hello, everyone! We are One Direction!" The fans all screamed as the lads and I spoke in sync.

I gave a little yelp as the sound of the fans overwhelmed my ears. I put my hands over my ears and looked over at Izzy, who was doing the same. She laughed, and Liam motioned for the crowd to settle down.

"Okay, so we're going to start off by singing a song written by our good friend, Ed Sheeran. Here's Moments, everyone," Louis announced.

The crowd went wild as the song started. I plastered a smile on my face and prepared for a night of screams, costume changes, and Twitter questions.

We sang Everything About You, Tell Me a Lie, Taken, and Stand Up, then answered Twitter questions from the fans. Most of them were really stupid, like a request for the inbetweeners dance or something, but one of the last ones was really interesting.

"Do any of you have girlfriends?" Liam read from the large screen behind us.

"I'm dating Britta Monroe!" Louis screamed immediately, loud booing sounding directly after.

"My girlfriend's name is Annie Weldon." The entire crowd cheered when Zayn said this.

"I'm dating Danielle Peazer, of course," Liam said himself. There was a chorus of joyous sounds followed by sounds of disapproval from the crowd.

"Single and ready to mingle," Harry said with a wink. I think the crowd might have died.

Now, all attention was on me. "I'm still single, of course, but I think there's one girl who could possibly change that."

I looked down to where Izzy was sitting with her friend. She was looking at the ground, blushing, for sure.

The rest of the night went as expected, and, as we sang What Makes You Beautiful, I pointed at Izzy the entire time. Usually after a concert, I feel exhausted, but I felt really energetic.

"Have a nice night, everyone!" Liam called as we ran off the stage. "Remember, we'll be signing things in fifteen minutes by the entrance!"


"Come along, Izzabelle, we have shit that needs signing," Allison said, holding her arm out for me.

I rolled my eyes and slid my eye arm around hers. "You mean you have stuff to get signed."

"No. We." Allison opened her purse and pulled out a small, neatly wrapped present with a bow on it. "It is your birthday."

I smiled at her as I took the gift and carefully unwrapped it. "Are you serious, Iz? Just tear the damn thing."

I continued to slowly unwrap it, and she grabbed it and ripped the wrapping paper. "Woo!" she exclaimed, waving her fist in the air.

She had gotten me the Up All Night album. Surely, this is what she wanted me to get signed.

"But why do we have to wait in line to get this signed? I'm sure we could just ask Niall to-"

"No!" she interrupted, grabbing my arm and pulling me away to the lobby where we had entered. "You need the full experience."

"Oh, fine. But I can walk myself," I told her as she led me out into the lobby.

We both gasped at the amount of people waiting in front of the small table where the boys were already signing things for fans. The noise in the room was deafening; I had to resist the urge to put my hands over my ears again.

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