Chapter Six

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When I woke up, I wasn't all too surprised to find Allison had left. She was leaving for her big trip today, but I had figured she would at least wake me up to say goodbye.

I sat up in bed and raked a hand over my face to stifle a yawn. The sun was flooding into the room through my cracked open curtains, and I quickly walked over to shut them.

It was barely eight in the morning, but Louise and her daughters had already left. They had gone on some huge shopping spree for the cruise they were going on next week. I wasn't going, of course, but I would get the house to myself for about two weeks.

Before I took a shower, I decided to write in my journal. I walked over to its hiding spot and pulled it out. I sat on the floor and pulled a pen out from my bedside stand and got to writing.

"Dear Diary,

Louise, Crista, and Hope won't be back until tomorrow! Woot, woot! I have the whole house. I'll probably end up falling asleep in the aviary or something. Hmm...I just. What can I say? I'm just glad they're gone."

Being too lazy to put everything in its proper place, I tossed my diary under the bed and threw my pen somewhere across the room. I then got up and walked to my bathroom for a quick shower.

My bathroom was actually connected to my room, so I didn't have to walk far. I quickly discarded my clothes and threw them in the laundry hamper, then turned on the water.

I set the water as hot as it would go because even the water was colder up here. The water wasn't freezing, but it was cold enough to make a person hurry. I tried not to dawdle, and I was out of the shower and dressed in about fifteen minutes.

When I walked out of the bathroom, I swear I jumped three feet in the air. Allison was sitting on my bed, nonchalantly flipping through a magazine, and a small suitcase was at her feet.

"Hey," she said, not even looking up at me.

Once I calmed down from my semi-heart attack, I walked over to her and tore the magazine out of her hands. This finally got her attention.

"Why? Why did you do that?" she asked, although she didn't really want an answer.

"What the heck are you doing? Why aren't you on your way to wherever? How did you even get in my house?" I asked in a rush, breathing heavily afterwards.

"First of all, the trip was cancelled. My mom got sick, and she started throwing up all over the place. Second, remember when you lost your spare key last year? Yeah, well, I'm that squirrel who carried it away. Um...can I have the magazine back? There is a very nice article on statement coats in there."

I stared at her, mentally stabbing her eyes out. She was the reason I'd been locked on the third floor for a whole week last summer.

"Allison, I swear. One day. I will kill you," I told her.

"Right. Now, at least I'll be able to go with you and pick up the tickets. That way, you have a lesser chance of being stolen and raped!" she said enthusiastically.

I rolled my eyes and begun drying my hair with a towel. She always was the more morbid thinker out of the two of us.

"So...what's up?" she asked, throwing her magazine aside.

I dropped the towel and glared at her.

"What?" she said innocently.

I shrugged. "You're just too much to handle at times," I said and started drying my hair again.

Allison put her hands over her heart and a big, fake grin spread across her face. "Thank you! It means a lot! And, uh, you should, like, totally make me breakfast."

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