Chapter Fourteen

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Aaah! I'm so excited about this chapter! I really hope you like it! Please give me feedback on the chapter, and don't forget to vote!



After being shoved in the shower, forced to try on multiple pairs of clothes, and having my hair and make up done, Allison and I sat in the living room on the first floor, waiting for Niall to arrive. He was supposed to be here at six, and it was about five forty-five.

"You've got everything you need, right?" Allison asked as the doorbell rang. "The bread?"

I laughed and nodded as I went to open the door. However, Allison beat me to it, and was already lecturing Niall on keeping me safe and whatnot.

Once I appeared in the doorway behind Allison, Niall's eyes were already wide.

"Ready to go?" I laughed.

He nodded quickly, and I waved goodbye as he led me outside."Um, Niall?"


I twisted a strand of hair around my finger and watched it spring back into place. "How did you get here?" Looking up and down the street, I saw no cars.

"Oh! Well, Matt, Liam, and Lou decided they wanted to go roller skating or some shit. They said since you were taking me to some unknown location, I should just let you drive. Is that okay?"

I nodded. "It's fine. Let me just go grab my keys, and I'll be right back."

I quickly ran inside and grabbed my keys from the hook I always hung them on. Once I got back outside, Niall was leaning against the car. He straightened up as soon as he saw me.

Quickly, I unlocked the car, and we both got in. Before starting the car, I tucked the bag of bread in the center console.

"What's the bread for?" Niall asked, clearly puzzled.

"You'll see," I said as the engine came to life. The ride to our destination was silent besides Niall messing with the radio.

When we pulled up at the pier, Niall was puzzled. "The port? What's so romantic about watching ships pass by?"

I locked the doors of the car and held up the bread. "We're feeding the seagulls."

We walked closer to the water and tossed a few slices of bread. In a matter of seconds, we were surrounded by seagulls. Luckily, we had a full bag of bread.

Reaching into the bag, I gasped when all my fingers wrapped around was air. "Niall!" I shouted over the noisy birds. "Where's the rest of the bread?"

He looked down at the churning water, and I followed his gaze. Floating atop the water, were several pieces of bread, the birds frantic to get them.

After each piece of bread was devoured, the seagulls flocked around us, expecting more. I opened my mouth and turned to say something to Niall, when something white fell right in front of me.

I screamed and grabbed Niall's hand before running in the other direction. The seagulls flew after us, and we ran to the safety of the public restrooms. Niall hesitated before letting me pull him into the women's restroom with me.

"What was that about?" Niall asked.

It took me a minute before realizing what he meant. "Um. That seagull almost pooped on me. I don't know about you, but I don't wanna be covered in seagull matter."

We waited for about fifteen minutes just talking, before the conversation died. He walked over to look at the writing on the stalls. "Hey, do you have a marker or something?"

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