Chapter Eighteen

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"Izzabella Marie Thompson, would you like to explain to me why we just left five hot, famous guys? One of which your boyfriend?" Allison said slowly.

We were back to my car rather quickly. It was in the second or third floor of the parking garage, and I was, more or less, dragging Allison along by her hand.

"God, Allison. Right now is not the time for one of your little fits. And for your information, he is NOT my boyfriend."

"It wouldn't be a fit if you tell me why we're leaving!" she countered.

Letting out a heavy sigh, I spoke, "I just want to leave before the evil twins."

Allison made a tsking sound, and I rolled my eyes, knowing what came next. "You are letting them control your life, Izzy. You say you want to get away from them and that you want to be free, but that can never happen unless you stop letting them influence your decisions and actions."

"Oh, my God, Allison. Could you not be an aspiring psychology major for, like, ten minutes?"

Allison snorted. "It's better than being undecided. You've already graduated, decided on what school you're going to, and you have literally no idea what you want to do with your life."

"You make a good point," I said, unlocking my car. We both took our seats. "So why don't you shut up so I can decide on something?"

She narrowed her eyes at me and slid her earphones in as I pulled out of our parking spot and finally the parking garage.

It was a long drive back to my house. Or maybe the hour drive just seemed to stretch on forever due to the silence in the car. Allison was asleep or something, and I had turned off the radio because of all the static.

Traffic was slight, mostly due to the ungodly hour, but also partly because the arena was the only place you'd travel to on this road. Still, there were cars here and there. Minivans, mostly.

Soon, I turned onto the freeway to get to my house. There were as many cars now as there were on a normal afternoon. Ten minutes after getting on the freeway, I turned onto my familiar street and then my familiar driveway.

"Allison." When she didn't stir, I shook her arm. "Allisonnnnn."

"Jesus, I'm awake. You didn't have to rip my arm off," she said as she pulled out her earphones.

"Whatever. I'll be right back, I just need to get some clothes and stuff. Then we'll go back to your house," I told her.

She nodded, then proceeded to fiddle with the radio. I jogged up to the large front door of the house and contemplated using the wooden knocker before quietly pushing the door open and slipping inside.

All the lights were out and it seemed that everyone was sleeping. It took me a while to get to my room because I was tiptoeing through the house to avoid being noticed. So this is what it feels like to be a robber, I thought.

When I got to my room, everything was just as I left it. I gathered a bag and put in a toothbrush, a brush, clothes, even the paper stating all of this was mine. As I turned around to leave, I noticed a figure standing in a patch of moonlight that had slipped through the curtains.

"Hope?" I whispered.

It was rather hard to see the details of her face in the dim light, but it appeared that she had been crying.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I...I'm just so sorry," she said quietly in between her slight gasps for breath. So she had been crying.

I shook my head. "It's okay. I mean, you only lied. And it was to Crista, so...not a big deal, I suppose."

Her head bobbed up and down. "Are you selling the house? I-I mean, I don't blame you for wanting to, but we don't have anywhere else to go."

"No. You'll be fine, okay? Just go back to bed. I'm leaving now." Before I began my trip down the stairs, I turned my head back to her. "Don't tell Crista or Louise that I was here."

With that, I ducked out of the room and hurried down the stairs, no longer caring if their creaking sounds of distress woke the dead. I reached the bottom and threw open the door that hid the stairs in a stupid broom closet. If you didn't know there were stairs leading up to a whole new floor, you'd just think it was a stupid broom closet.

"What are you doing?" I asked when I got back to the car. I tossed my bag into the back seat and sat on the passenger side.

"Sitting in the driver's seat," Allison answered innocently. "Did you want to drive?" she asked, her eyes wide.

"Well, now that you're offering..."

"That was just a courtesy. I'm driving."

"Oh, dear," I muttered.

Because Allison feels a need-for-speed, the normal ten minute drive to her house was cut down to six. It's amazing that she's never gotten a ticket.

"Okay, so you've proven that you can get places faster than normal people, it's, like, two in the morning, and we're at your house. What would you like to do now?" I said to her as we were sitting on her bed.

A dangerous grin crossed her face.

"No," I said, realizing what she meant.

She nodded her head slowly.


"Yes," she said, quickly jumping for my purse.


"So she just left? Just like that?" I questioned.

The six of us were in the tour bus, driving to whatever hotel we were staying at for the night. Somehow, Matt had persuaded Paul to let him ride the bus with us. He even slept on the little couch.

"She did. It seemed she was in a hurry. She dragged her friend along and even forgot her CDs!" Liam said.

"She's pretty cute, Niall. I can't believe you even got her to talk to you," said Louis.

"Of course she'd talk to him! He's Niall Horan. And he's not that bad looking," Harry added.

"Just remember to brush your teeth more often. Your breath smells like egg. Like, all the time," Zayn said.

"I like eggs. Leave me alone," I retorted.

"Then have some Tic-Tacs!" Smiling, Matt threw a box of Tic-Tacs at me. It hit me in the head, and I threw it back.

"Fine. If you don't want to accept my gift, I'm more than happy to take it back," Matt said.

Ignoring them all, I turned to Liam. "I think I'll call her to make sure everything's okay."

"Um, it's almost three in the morning, Niall," he stated.

"Oh, well..."

I glanced down at my phone, which I had already pulled out of my pocket. I was scrolling through my contacts to get to her name, when she called me. It was as if she knew we were talking about her.

I stood up to go talk in private, but the boys had me sit back down.

"Speaker," Louis said.

He took my phone, set it on the table in front of me, and hit answer. We all crowded around the small table to listen.

"Izzy?" Louis asked.

There were sounds of a struggle on the side before anyone spoke. "Hello? What? Louis?" It was Allison.

"Allison. Where's Izzy?" I said.

"Well, I'm sitting on her, you see."

"What? Why?" By now, all the other boys were simply listening with curious looks on their faces.

"Well...she was questioning my authority."

"Really? How?"

"I gave her a direct order, and she totally refused."

"And what order was that?"

"I told her to call you, and she didn't want t- ew!" she screamed.

There was a loud thud, the sound of a door shutting.

"Hi, Niall!" Izzy chirped perkily.

"Uh, what just happened?" Louis spoke up.

"I just got the phone from Allison. She had her hand over my mouth, so I'd be quiet. I licked her hand then pushed her off the bed and took the phone. I'm in the bathroom now," she said, a little out of breath.

"Oh. Well, I'm glad you- or Allison- called. I was just about to call you myself, actually," I stated matter-of-factly.

"How nice. What would you have called for?" she asked.

"Well, I just wanted to ask-" I began.

"If you'd like to come on tour with us!" Louis shouted.

Izzy was silent on the other side of the line, and the rest of us all stared at Louis open mouthed.

"What?" she asked in disbelief.

I had forgotten she was still on the phone. Louis spoke before I could.

"Yeah! Just finish the tour with us! I mean, we only have about another few weeks. And our last show is in Arizona. After all, you did run off before we could ask you anything," Louis smiled.

There was silence on her side as well as on ours. "Allison can come, too," he added.

"We'll come!" a muffled voice said.

"It's all set then! We're staying at a hotel tonight, and we'll pick you up tomorrow. Bye, now!"

I opened my mouth to protest, but Louis hung up before I could utter a word. What was he thinking? I shot him a murderous glare as he skipped off with my phone.


"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" I yelled at Allison after I had tried to call back and decline Louis' offer at least ten times.

"I was thinking that: one, they're our favorite band. Two, Niall's pretty much your boyfriend. Three, they invited us. Four, Louise won't give a shit if your gone. Five, I can convince my parents to let me go. And, six, you need this. Have you even been out of Atlanta since your dad died? No. Besides, when else will you get to travel around the southern US?" she reasoned.

"I don't care, Allison. This is kind of a big deal. We'll be going around the country with total strangers. And they aren't even American!" I shouted.

"Shhhh. You're going to wake up my parents. Well, Matt and Niall aren't strangers. And Matt is American. Besides, they're famous pop stars. I highly doubt their going to gang rape and murder you."

"Allison, that's not even funny. Besides, how would you even convince your parents to let you go?"

She thought for a moment. "I'd tell them I'm staying at my older sister's. You know they never talk to Alexa. They'll probably just call me and ask if I'm okay. And I will be."

"No. No. I'm calling them and-" I started.

"Izzy. Come on. This is, like, a once-in-a-lifetime thing. Just think about it? Please? Look, sleep on it. And if you still think it's the worst idea ever in the morning, we'll call them and tell them that. Just think about it."

When I didn't respond, she said, "Okay?"



omgggggggggggggggggggggg I TOTES JUST QUOTED THE FAULT IN OUR STARS. If you don't get it, shame on you.

Everyone, I swear, I am so sorry for not updating. But I did do a lot of stuff...I read City of Ashes, City of Glass (my favorite so far), The Fault in Our Stars, watched City of Bones at least a million times, I Christmased...and I had really horrible writer's block.

It was like every time I tried to write, I didn't know what to write. Then I'd think for a while. Then I'd start reading.

Anyway, I hope I haven't lost a bunch of readers. If so, I understand. Also, I hope that this story did not just turn into the most cliché thing ever written.
Now that I'm past this part, I final know where this story is going. Hopefully, no more writer's block (because then I'll just get distracted.)

Anywho, I can promise it won't take me two months to update again. Hopefully less than a week, but probably more. Definitely less than two.

Anyway, how were your Christmases? Mine was just swell. I got a few giftcards, books, movies, shoes, the 1D perfume, and other stuff.








(you could totally fan me if you're feeling it, you know, whatever)


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