Chapter Twenty-Six

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[one week later]

Dear Diary,

The last week has been great. As soon as the tour ended, I got the few things I had back at Louise's and came to New York with Matt. It's been just me and him in this little apartment, but I don't think he minds. He's been showing me around the city, and we've been ordering take out every night.

Niall's back in Ireland visiting family. Then he has to go to London. He has a bunch of stuff going on, I don't think I'll be able to see him for at least a month.

"Izzzzzz," Matt drags out.

I look over at him and drop my journal on the floor.

"Niall called while you were sleeping."

I cock my head to the side. "He did?"

"Yeah. And he called your phone too. He says it's important."

I nod my head, and Matt exits my room, closing the door behind him. I huff and grab my phone off the nightstand by my bed.

Niall had called me three times. Oops.

Immediately, I call him back.

Immediately, it goes to voicemail.

"Oh," I say.

Just as I'm about to place my phone back on the nightstand, it starts vibrating in my hand.

"Hello?" I answer, even though I know it to be Niall.

"Why do you answer with 'hello?' even though you know who it is?" Niall asks.

I shrug, then remember he can't see me. "Habit, I suppose."

"Right. Anyway, I wanted to ask you something."

"Then ask," I say, even though it comes out as more of a question.

"Okay," he pauses to suck in a breath. I giggle at his nervousness. "So Liam's birthday is in three weeks, yeah? And I was just wondering if you would want to come and maybe stay with me for a bit before school starts."

I laugh. "Of course I wanna come. Why wouldn't I want to come? You're my boyfrieeeeend. And it's not like Liam isn't my friend."

He chuckles nervously. "I guess I forgot or something. I don't know. Maybe you changed your mind in the past week."

I roll my eyes. "I won't change my mind. Promise."

We say our goodbyes and hang up.

[two weeks later]

I impatiently tapped my foot on the hard wood floor as I sat on my suitcase. I checked my watch for what seemed like the millionth time.

Matt, Allison, and I were all flying to London today for Liam's birthday. Even though Liam's birthday was a week away.

Matt and I were waiting in his apartment for Allison to show up. She was staying with her parents again, and had had to take another flight up here.

Our flight was set to leave in two hours.

"Oh my God, if she does not hurry up, I swear we're leaving," Matt exclaimed.

I just shook my head. Allison and I were back to normal since the tour had ended. Even though I loved her, I really wouldn't mind leaving her just because she was taking so long.

Just then, Allison burst through the door. "Hola!" she screamed.

Matt rolled his eyes at her. "Let's go," he said as he began walking out the door, Allison moving aside to let him and his suitcase pass.

We stared after him for a second before squealing and engulfing each other in a large hug. "I haven't seen you in three weeks!"

"I know. We should probably get going before he leaves us."

Allison and I ran out of Matt's apartment building and found him leaning on a taxi parked by the curb.

"It's about time," he muttered, climbing into it.

We hopped in the cab he had gotten for the three of us and took off to the airport.

Surprisingly, traffic wasn't that bad. I had assumed it would be, considering it was New York City and all, but it wasn't. Less than an hour later, we were boarding our plane.

Fortunately, we all got seats together. Unfortunately, I did not get a window seat.

As soon as we took off, Matt, who had the window seat, started pulling out his pillow and getting ready for a nap.

I tapped him on the shoulder. "What are you doing? It's only seven o'clock."

Matt sighed. "It's midnight in London."

I nodded in understanding. "I suppose I'll try to get some sleep too."


this chapter sucks ass and i hate it

i think this story is going to be over soon ((yay)), so i'm actually going to try and update a lot quicker bc I'm honestly so done with this story

i feel like it's become one of those stupid carrot fanfics that everyone hates, and i never intended for that to happen

but some people really like this story for whatever reason, so i feel obligated to finish it

also, i've spent so much time on this, i can't just quit

next ((possibly the one after)) chapter should actually have some shit going down so

- l

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