Chapter Five

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A couple of hours later, the concert was over. I had expected Chloe to be exhausted and ready to leave, but she was going on and on about meeting the boys and getting something signed.

In all honesty, I had half a mind to completely ignore her begging and protests and drag her to the car if necessary. It was her birthday, though, so I guess I should at least try to find the boys for her.

I grabbed her hand and we started walking. I had absolutely no idea how I was going to help her get a signature.

"Hey. You brought your album?" I asked, looking down at the small girl trailing beside me. She nodded and held out the Up All Night album I had bought for her earlier that morning.

I sighed. This was insane. Did I really think I could see these guys just because I wanted to?

I looked down at Chloe. She looked so excited, and I just couldn't bear to let her down. Taking a deep breath, I decided I should at least attempt at finding these guys.

After a few minutes of wandering down various hallways that were all flooded with screaming teenage girls, I opened a door I'm sure wasn't meant for public use.

The hall on the other side of the door was completely empty, but I could hear murmurs coming from closed doors. Thankful for the peacefulness on this side compared to the other, I sank down to the floor against a wall.

Chloe opened her mouth to say something, but a door opened abruptly, silencing her.

"Goddammit, Niall! I told you-" one of the two guys who walked into the hallway shouted.

I cleared my throat loudly, making them look down at us.

"Who...?" the one who had been previously talking started.

Before he could mutter another word, Chloe ran at him, CD in hand. She was talking so quickly, I couldn't even understand. All I caught was his name: Louis. While they were distracted, I walked up to Niall.

"Hey, there," I said, waving my hand awkwardly.

"You look really familiar..." he said, furrowing his eyebrows in concentration. He snapped his fingers once he finally remembered. "You're that guy from the restaurant this morning! Right?"

I nodded. "You, uh...left your card at the restaurant-"

"Do you have it?" he asked, cutting me off.

I shook my head. "I think I left it back at my apartment or something. Uh...when would I be able to give it to you?"

Niall looked at his feet thinking, and I looked over at Chloe. She was sitting in Louis' lap, who was now on the floor. He seemed to be telling her a story.

"What's your number?" he asked.

I stared at him, dumbfounded. "Um...what?"

He rolled his eyes. "Your number."

I still had no idea what he was talking about, and it must have been obvious because he pulled out his phone and tapped it twice.

"Ah. Yeah, my number is (878) 565-8778," I told him.

He quickly typed it into his phone. "Matt, right?" he asked, looking up at me. I nodded.

Chloe ran up to me and latched herself onto my leg. "Matty, I want a picture! Please?"

I rolled my eyes. "If they say it's alright."

She looked to Niall who laughed and agreed. Chloe, Niall, and Lou all posed for a picture by the wall, and I stood there ready to capture it.

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