Chapter Twenty

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The boys had left for their concert a little over an hour ago, and Allison was already fussing over my hair.

"Allison, what's the big deal? If we go stargazing, we'll probably just lay in the grass. Hair does not stay fixed when you're laying in the grass," I pointed out.

"Shut up, Iz. I told you to rest," she spat without paying any attention to me. Her focus was on the large selection of hair care products in front of her. She plucked a curling iron from her suitcase. Yes, she brought a suitcase of hair stuff.

"I've decided to curl your hair," she announced.

"Yeah, about that. Um, how am I supposed to take a nap when you're curling my hair and painting my face?"

She had already done my makeup. Or tried, rather. I kept moving too much, apparently.

"I don't know. Figure it out."

I sighed and closed my eyes, letting her do what she pleased with my hair.

Sleep must have overtaken me because I was shaken awake what seemed like a moment later. When I glanced in the mirror, my hair and make up were done.

"I laid out some clothes for you," she said. "I'd appreciate if you put then on, like, now."

I slowly tore my eyes off of my reflection; Allison had really done a good job. "But what time is it?"

She sighed and pulled her phone out of her pocket. "It's almost eleven. I think Niall was going to take a shower or something, so you'll probably leave at twelve or so."

I nodded, snatched the clothes she had laid out, and went into the small restroom. A few minutes later, I was laying on the bed Allison and I were meant to share.

I laid there in a timeless state, thinking about what might happen on our stargazing adventure tonight. I stared up at the ceiling, imaging I was looking up into a dazzling, starry sky. Slowly, I felt my eyelids begin to flutter closed.

"Izzy!" Allison snapped. "None of that!" Then she proceeded to actually snap in my face.

"But why?" I moaned, rolling over and shoving my face in a pillow. "Niall hasn't even finished the freaking concert yet."

"Yes, he has."

"Ugh. I can't deal with this. Just leave me be." I started to close my eyes again, thinking she would let me. Maybe she would have if Niall himself hadn't burst into the room at that very moment.

"Hey, girls!" he shouted.

I groaned and curled up under the blankets. Even though I tried to tune them about, I heard them talking.

"Uh. You are going to take shower, right? You look like you've been standing out in the rain, and you sweat," Allison critiqued.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll go do that." And with that, he disappeared.

As soon as he had gone, Allison jumped on me. "You're going on a date with Niall Horan!" she squealed.

I rolled my eyes even though I was still under the blanket. It was as if she were the one going on a date.

"Yeah. Well, I find it crazy that I'm going on a date, period," I replied.

But, of course, she wasn't listening.

"How lucky are you? I mean, can you even believe it? Niall. Horan."

I sighed and sat up so I could see her. She kept on babbling about fame and celebrities. I stared at her until she finally stopped.

"What?" she asked innocently.

I shook my head. "I don't think that's how you should be looking at it, Al."

She blinked twice.

"I mean, do you really think he'd want someone to date him just because he's famous?"

"Uh. I'm not the one dating him," she pointed out.

"But your best friend is. It just seems like you're only happy that I'm dating someone famous. Not just a nice boy," I fumed.

She shrugged dismissively and walked out of the small room. I disappeared under the covers once again.


As I got in the shower, I swear almost slipped. For whatever reason, I was extremely nervous. On a scale of one to ten, I was at a hundred.

I yelped when I stepped in the stream of water; it felt like Satan was peeing on me. Frantically, I spun the tiny little knobs to an appropriate temperature. It took a while because the water being too cold or too hot made me turn the knobs faster.

After getting the water to a near-boiling temperature, I stepped in. Due to the water being hot as shit, I opted for taking a five minute shower instead of a good, fifteen minute one.

We'd be outside, anyway.

I rushed to get ready. I couldn't decide what to wear. We were just going to stargaze. I didn't want to look too dressy, but I didn't want to look like a slob.

Someone placed one loud knock on the door, and I jumped. "Hurry it up, Horan! I didn't get Izzy all dressed up and nice so she could sit here and wait for you!" Allison shouted.

I mentally cringed and lazily put on the clothes that were set closest to me on the counter: a polo, pants, and a pair of converse. An outfit fit for a king.

"Ready to go?" I asked as I stepped out from the restroom.

Izzy had been sitting at the little table and sprang to her feet when I walked into the room.

She scurried over to me. "Let's get out of here," she said, grabbing my hand.


Okay, so I swore I was going to update this last week, but I have horrible self-discipline so it didn't happen.

Sorry it's a little shorter than usual. I meant for this to be a date chapter, but that didn't happen, either.



But tomorrow I'm going to work at this speech/debate tournament thing because my friend said there would be a lot of cute boys.

I like cute boys.

Also, I would like to make friends. Because friends are cool.

My lip hurts.

I got my phone to say 'Can I shove a dinosaur up your dick.'

It made my day. I was laughing for, like, an hour.

You know what sucks? Two of my really good friends have moved this year.

(One because she's a slut [she went to an all girls school lel], and the other because his mom freaked out when he told her he was gay.) And now my best friend might freaking move. And she didn't even tell me. Someone else was talking about, and they didn't know I didn't know.

My best friend's a dick.

And there was this guy texting me yesterday because he likes me, and we're friends, but I was like ew no. So I just kept saying 'oh' and 'yes' and 'really'. He stopped. I almost feel bad. But I don't. Because life's freaking fricked up, and he needs to freaking deal with it.


(If you know where that is from I love you.)

Anyway, don't forget to vote and stuff. Thanks.

~ Lauryn

PS. If you want to talk, you should totes ask for my kik because I need friends. We can talk about literally anything from dinosaurs to dicks to the pros and cons of baby pools.

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