Chapter 7: Today is the day!!!

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(2 weeks later)

Charlie's pov:

I wake up to my alarm set for 7:30. Our first appointment is today and i'm so excited!! i have come to the conclusion that i'm just so excited to have a baby!! do i wake up at about 4 am vomiting? yes. Has nick gotten a little mad at me for already look for cute baby stuff online? yes. Does that matter to me at all because nothing can bring down my mood? Not at all!!!!

I turn over to turn on the alarm and nick sighs. i turn it off and look at him

Charlie: umm excuse you what was that sigh for?

Nick: tired wanna sleep

Charlie: so you just don't care about our baby?

i say sarcastically

Nick pretends to cry and starts to beg me for forgiveness. we laugh for a second until he puts one hand on my stomach and one on my chin. He kisses me with all the love in world. He whispers

Nick: have i told you how much i love you? and our baby? and being with you?

Charlie: hmmm sounds like every morning

i giggle and so does nick. i check the time again and panic!


Nick looks startled and jumps out of bed. he throws clothes on the bed for me and then grabs clothes for himself. I finish getting dressed before him so i jog downstairs to grab us breakfast. i get him an applesauce pouch, protein bar, and water. I grab myself an orange, almonds, and water.

Nick runs downstairs dress with my phone and keys. We barely speak before we are sprinting through to the car.

Once we arrive and walk in... It's all women. I guess nick could tell my whole mood was brought down because he grabbed my hand tight and gave me the happiest smile ever. As we go up to sign in the receptionist gave us some weird looks u tip nick spoke up

Nick: Listen if you have problem then go ahead and say it to my face.

The women just rolled her eyes and told us to sit down. I don't think i've ever seen nick so blunt about a problem. It was really hot.

(After a few minutes)

We get called back by the nurse. She takes us to our room where she does my blood pressure, pulse ox, and then just starts getting me ready for the ultrasound! She takes us to a different room for the sonogram. I lay on the table and hold Nicks hand

Nurse: Alright if you can just lift your shirt a bit for me and just so you know this will be a little cold, sorry

Charlie: ohhh i dont even care i'm just so excited

She start moving the wand around until we see a small mound. Our baby.

I see our of the corner of my eye that nick is tearing up and now i'm tearing up

Until we are both crying. The nurse continued to move the wand and take pictures before noticing that we were crying. She grabs 2 tissues and gives them to us. Nick apologizes and she says it fine.

After a few more minutes:

She asks if we want our pictures printed to which we say of course!!!! And we are already on our way out.

Nick is basically still in tears while i was able to put myself together, make another appointment, and walk out. When we got in the car he called his mom to say that me and the baby were health and that i'm only one month. She was so happy to hear it and that just warms my heart honestly.

Nick and I drive back home and can't stop looking at the picture. This is our future.

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