Chapter 4: i love you

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Chapter 4: I love you

Authors note: Hello beautiful people! hope you've enjoyed the stories so far! sorry the last chapter was kinda short i was trying to write and post before school lmao. but hope you enjoy!!


Sarah's pov:

As i'm getting a glass of water for charlie and myself i hear i scream of maybe happy news?!

I run upstairs as fast as i can and knock on door. Charlie opens the door and hugs me immediately. he's crying so i try my best to soothe him. he than whispers,

"Sarah, i'm pregnant. i'm actually pregnant"

He lets go and stands back he has a blank face

I cant help but show how happy i am but i still can't tell how he feels

Sarah: "well, what do you think? are you happy?"

Charlie: "I think i really am! i'm nervous but i think i am really happy!! do you think Nick will be happy??"

Sarah: "Awww yay!!!!!! I've been waiting so long to this moment!! Nick is going to be thrilled!"

Charlie: "Thank you, Sarah! you are an angel"

Sarah: "oh no baby i'm just trying my best. and please now that i'm finally getting a grandkid and you and nick are gonna be married soon, call me mum."

Charlie: "oh sar- mum! thank you so much! you have helped me through more than you now!"

He hugs me again at this point we are both in tears.

I ask if he wants me to stay to discuss my experiences or if he wants to be by himself. He said that i can stay and we walk downstairs to eat a little while we talk.

Hours later...

Charlie's pov:

Sarah and I have been talking for hours and i than realize that Nick should be home any minute. he's a coming home a little later because he has therapy after work. (yes both me and nick are in therapy)

but anyways, i than hear the front door open and a panicked voice from the front of the flat yelling "Charlie? where are you? are you ok? is mum still here?"

Sarah answers before i have the chance "Oh nicky quit yelling, we are in the kitchen"

Nick walked in and apologized to his mum as she stood up to hug him

I stood up too and he kissed me gently and pulled me into a hug before asking "how are you feeling?"

Charlie: "eh not worse but definitely not any better"

Nick: "sorry you aren't feeling well is there something i can do?"

I look at Sarah for help because i might as well just tell him now to get it other with. She practically read my mind

Sarah: "Nicky why don't you have a seat"

Nick sits down with a confused look like he was a student in the principals office who was trying to lie their way out of getting in trouble

I sit back down in my seat and grab his hand with Sarah gets him some water

Charlie: "Nick, I love you so much. I have always dreamed of starting a family with you and now we are"

I reach down and rub my stomach

Nick seems confused until it seems like the lightbulb went off. he stood up and hugged and kissed me all over until he reached down to my stomach and not only said hello to our baby but kissed me 728292829202 other times on my belly.

He just looks up at me and still looks a little shocked

Nick finally speaks: "I love you! i love you and our baby! We are going to have our own family!"

He turns around to his mum and hugs her

Sarah: "I am so proud of you too and im extremely happy that you all are expanded this family further!! but i will let you too have some alone time and i will text you later"

She hugs us both, me a little longer and leaves. god she really is like a mother to me❤️

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