Chapter 15: Safety

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Authors note: Hello beautiful people!!! lol i just realized my story is so cringe so mb lol hope y'all still enjoy it and like the cringe❤️


Nicks pov:

I run inside before my brother can catch me. I lock the door and yell for Charlie.

He's closing curtains all around the house while david's (ex)girlfriend was sitting the couch having a panic attack. David is banging on the door and yelling.

I decide the most important thing is to care for this girl. I ask her what her name.

Unknown: "C-clover"

I rub her back and ask her if there is something i could do. Mean while all we hear is David still yelling and screaming.

She's crying and can't respond

Nick: "Hey why don't we take deep breaths and Charlie can get you some water."

I take deep breaths with her and as charlie comes in with water it goes silent. My dad must have gotten david back in the car. Clover was still crying but she was breathing normally.

I look at Charlie to see if he's ok and he nods towards me. I get up and check the front door onto the driveway and no one is there.

I take a deep breath myself and start to sob. all i've ever wanted was my 'dad' to love me and be happy for me without being forced or guilted by my mom! Maybe even that David actually cares about me and didn't just bully me all the time because he could. I curl into a ball against the door and just cry.

Charlie's pov:

(an hour later)

There is now a panicked woman on my couch, that believes david is going to to come back and my fiancé who has turned the sadness into anger. He is never really angry to i was a little surprised when he we stomped up the steps and slammed the bedroom door. I decided to leave him be and focus on Clover

Charlie: "I'm just generally curious if you have a place with David or not?"

Clover: "he made me move in with him..."

Charlie: "oh honey i'm so sorry"

Clover: "it's my fault i shouldn't have let him convince me. i just don't know where to go..."

Charlie: "why don't you stay with us. if you want at least and if your comfortable with it. We have a pullout couch in the basement and a full bathroom down there. "

Clover took a second so think

Clover: "I don't want to bother you guys or be a burden."

Charlie: "you are not a burden. can i ask if you have a job?"

Clover: "Yes!! I am a Year 1 teacher (kindergarten)!"

Charlie: "Oh nick is a secondary (middle school)school English teacher and rugby coach! and I am a psychologist!"

Clover: "That's so exciting! I thought about being a psychologist but i very last second changed my mind haha"

Charlie: "how rude! the audacity!"

We laugh until she pulls me into a hug

Clover: "i can't thank you enough! i should be out by the time i can get myself back on my feet! and until then i can pay rent and buy my own groceries!"

Charlie: "Oh no you don't have too! We understand completely."

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