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Being picked up by the dark carriage was something, really...

Anyway long-story short, I got a message from NRC to go to school, even a year late and my family, especially my brother was ecstatic. He was ready to renovate his dorm, when I said 'I'm not sure which dorm I'm in.' Which take from being happy to being upset.

In which I assured him he can renovate a guest room for me, when I wanted to hang out with him, which made him smile once again and excitedly leave the room shouting how to renovate my room.

I let out a sigh of relief, when someone tap my shoulder. I look over to see his vice dorm leader, Jamil.

"You're spoiling him, a bit too much." He said, which I encountered, "you think?" As I look at him, dead in the eyes.

Now you know who's the vice dorm leader, then let me introduce myself. I'm the second child of the Al - Asim, Amir Al - Asim the late twin of Kalim Al - Asim.

He let out a tired sigh, "you know that I'm the who's gonna plan and do all of that, right?" He told me, with a tired look.

As I look at him, I then let a sigh out, and rubbed the back of my neck, and said. "Don't worry, once I'm part of the school, dormmates or not, I'll be helping you take care of him."

Which he declined and said, "you shouldn't worry about that, it's my job to do it anyway."

In which I respond to him "And it's my job as a second and responsible sibling to take care of him, and also as your friend I also want to help you."

He then look at me, and let another sigh out. "Fine, you win. But don't whine on me when he gets too much." He told me, as he warned me at the end.

And which I react with scoff, and replied to him, "I lived with him as far as you know him, and besides when did I learn to whine when he gets to much, I only complain anyway."

He chuckled a bit and told me to get ready to pack, because the carriage will appear in a few days.

As he leave, I then go back to my room and packed my important things, like my clothes, accessories, gadgets, some of my books, school materials and my stuff in astrology.

As I finished packing, and looked my packed item, it's not a lot, but it's also not too little.

I then washed my self, without assistance, cause I don't want that, and ready myself to sleep. As I was laying I saw Kalim at my door, in his sleeping attire, I look at him before making a space beside me.

He then excitedly jump beside me, laying and curled up next to me, he said to me a goodnight, before he sleep.

And before I sleep I texted Jamil that my brother was staying with me tonight, which he respond he'll get him tomorrow. And then I cuddled next to my brother sleep through the night.

And in the next few days, I was staring through the night when I saw the dark carriage, as I ready my packed items, and said goodbye to my family, I then go where the dark carriage is and then I was put to sleep once I was inside.

A/N: sorry if this a bit rushed, and my reason was I got no inspiration how to get "kidnapped" by the dark carriage, and I also want Kalim to have a twin or a younger sibling or whatever, to balance him out. And boom, boom, boom I got some things planned out, and advance sorry if some characters is OOC and some story is not part of the game, I haven't play this game long enough, and I have not gotten far from savannaclaw arc.

The Smart Twin of The Nice One (Twisted Wonderland x MaleOC) Where stories live. Discover now