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Name• Nyx

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• Nyx

• 18 yrs old

• 190.5 cm / 6"3' ft

• Diasomnia

Year & Class
• 3 - C

• Science

• Nyx has long, brighter shade of blue, somewhat messy hair, and one of his bangs are hiding his right eye. His eyes are pink, more likely dull pink. His eyes are slant, looking like he's sleepy or depressed. He have a very pale skin, and always wore a sleepy face.

Nyx wore NRC uniform, except he wore a black, long coated jacket, with a hood that was decorated with yellow like fur. Instead of wearing a bright lime colored vest like other Diasomnia student, he wore a black vest, and his reasoning was, "green color doesn't suit me.". He wore his button-up in a messy way, and his neck tie was always loose.

• Nyx has a laid-back personality, he handles thing without a care in the world, he make some dark jokes that no could understand, can be sarcastic, and he has too much intelligence for him to experiment, and also have a soft spot for children.

Nyx can be caring like a mother, and can be overprotective, but most of the time he pretend like he doesn't care. He act like a lazy person, but he can get a job done way to easily.

He's chill most of the time, and usually observed his surroundings. But when someone threatened his friends or his lover, he'll let out a murderous intention, and most likely glared at the person.

But overall, he's a quiet, an observer, chill person, and can be clingy when he wanted to. Just don't get to his other side, he'll usually torture someone mentally.

• Kalim and his energy
• Watching things he could see
• Mocking someone (sometimes)
• Dark humor
• Puppets or doing a puppet shows
• Playing with some children
• Watching the world burn(literal or figurative)
• Seeing his boyfie(not yet) laugh
• Reading and tea
• Doing forbidden potions(that sometimes being successful)
• Experimenting

• Sebek screaming
• Seeing Kalim getting sad or hurt
• Crowley's stupidity
• Disturbing his peace and quiet(but he doesn't mind if it was Kalim, he's too much of a simp)
• Amir's protective personality toward Kalim(but he can't judge, he is too)
• Leona's one-sided rivalry toward Malleus

Unique Magic

• He can duplicate his body parts in different places, so he can see, hear things without anyone knowing, and summon a mouth to let someone hear him in a far direction.

He can summon more than arms, and legs to his surroundings, and he can made them large or small. He can form that body parts into different shape, can manipulate that body part and change it.

(Inspired by Nico Robins ability)



• He have the same weapon that Yor have.

• He's one of Malleus bodyguards, but he just let Malleus do what he do.

• He choose to be Malleus friend, than to be his bodyguard.

• He's immune to poison, and some potions.

• He sometimes use his own body to experiment with.

• He taught himself to dance, so he can dance with Kalim.

• He let Kalim, Malleus and some children do his hair.

• He always get scold by Vil, because of his attire. Sometimes Crewel, but Crewel let it go, cause he knows Nyx won't listen.

Btw, all of the art/s is mine

This will be Kalim's Love Interest.

I'm making a Sun and Moon couple here.

Anyway see you on the next chapter ♥

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