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"I say we date him." Cater declared, making Trey shocked.



3rd POV


Amir was looking around the place, looking for the four troublemakers. When he heard someone familiar.

"Are you... smelling me?!"

He look around, and saw Yuu.

Who had a Grim on his shoulder, and was also backing away from a lion beastman.

"Huh. It's true. You don't smell of magic at all. Well, can't say it'd be much fun to hurt someone so helpless. Still gonna do it, though." The beastman exclaimed, as Grim commented.

"I dunno what's up with this guy, but when he looks at me, it makes every follicle of fur stand on end..."

The beastman smirked was quickly turn to a scowl, "No one gets to stomp on my tail and just walk away without payin' the price. I'm in a bad mood on account of bein' woken up from my nap, too. That's gonna cost you a tooth." He stated, making Yuu panicked.

"W-wait a minute!" Yuu stuttered.

The beastman then raises his fist, and almost going in for a punch.

Yuu already went defense mode, grabbing Grim from his shoulder and covering him.

But that was stop by a hand on the beastman wrist, and it was no surprise when they saw Amir.

"Y'know, you're slowly becoming a damsel in distressed, Yuu." Amir stated, as Yuu looked up and saw Amir.


"Myah! The human have came to save us!"

Amir then took his attention toward the beastman, and easily recognize who this is.

"For a prince, you sure really like to keep your hands dirty." Amir mocked, making the lion beastman scoffed.

"Big talk for someone who do the same." Before removing his hand from Amir's grasp.

"Prince?" Yuu muttered, as he felt the tension between the two.

But it was quickly interrupted by a familiar hyena.

"Leona! There you are!"

The beastman, who was named Leona, look at the direction of that voice.


"I knew I'd find you here! We got after-school classes today, remember?" The hyena exclaimed, as Leona's ears flatten.

The hyena then change his direction on where he's looking at, and look at the person in front of Leona.

And.... "Oh, shit." He mutters, as his ears are also flattened.

Leona of course heard that, because beastman privilege. But, Amir also heard it.

"Your that hyena before right? The one who stole my bracelet." Amir exclaimed, ignoring Leona for now, as he took his attention to the hyena.

"What are talking about? I didn't steal anything." The hyena lied through his teeth, his lies can believe someone if they're to naive or idiotic to understand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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