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The teacher want the students to call him, 'Master Crewel', and after that the class had started and the lunch would start anytime soon, and that means the story from the game continued.


3rd POV


Lunch had finally started, and the three classmate walked together to the cafeteria, before Amir said his goodbye.

As Amir said goodbye to his classmate, as he then try to find where his twin sitting at.

It didn't take that long when he saw Kalim waving his arms and shouting his name, as Jamil sit right next to him, avoiding getting hit by Kalim's arms.

Amir finally get where they where sitting at, and smack the back of Kalim's head.

Kalim grabbed the back of his head as he shows pain in his face.

"Why did you do that?"

"Because, you had the audacity to shout my name, in the middle of a fucking crowded room." He answered, with a glare.

"Oh? My bad, I was just excited to see you." Kalim said with a smile, while scratching his cheeks.

Amir sighs, and look at Jamil. "By the way, I saw you at the sport field earlier talking to someone, can I ask who are you talking to?" Amir questioned Jamil, as he sat down next to them.

Jamil tensed a bit, before Jamil answered, "It's just a classmate of mine, don't worry."

Amir just hummed in understanding, and told them he would just get his lunch at the cafeteria's stall. Jamil just nod, while Kalim said "come back soon."


Amir found himself at the cafeteria's stalls/counter.

He then grab a tray to use to carry his food, and take a plate of Machbous. (Look, author search up some Arabic cuisine, and I saw this one and thought this looks delicious.) After that he grabbed a drink and decided to go back to where Kalim and Jamil sitting at.

But before that happen, he once again bump into someone again.

'God dammit, what's with me bumping to someone?'

Amir turn to see who he bump on this time, and saw a sandy blonde hair and a beastman ears, specifically hyena beastman ears.

Amir then gave the beastman an apology, "I'm sorry for bumping to you, I didn't notice someone's next to me."

The beastman look at him and laugh, "Shyeheehee, it's alright."

"But you gotta be careful next time, don't wanna make the same mistake, ok?" The hyena said, brushing off what Amir did, after that the hyena then left, but before that the hyena said something next, "Oh, by the way, you gotta be careful with that accessories of yours. You don't want someone to try and steal it, right? Anyway, see ya!" The hyena said, waving a goodbye to Amir.

Amir just hummed, before muttering to himself, "Two can play that game." As he was holding the hyena's wallet.


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