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Before I saw who it was, the teacher then told to do what he told us to do, some complained about it, but do what he say. I of course did it without any complain.


3rd POV

Jamil saw Amir giving him a small wave, so Jamil did to, but what Jamil didn't notice was he was also smiling.


Jamil heard someone called for him, and he was not pleased who it was.

"What? Called you in the wrong moment?" The cool light-grey hair boy with glasses, questioned.

Jamil just looked at him in disinterested, he sighed, and tell him. "No actually, just tired. Nothing else, Azul." While looking away.

The boy named Azul, raise a brow, with a smirk on his face. "Really now? But I saw you smiled at the boy who yelled at us Dorm leaders."

'Honestly, you all deserved that.' Jamil thought, before talking back to Azul. "Me? Smiling? At him? You're probably daydreaming, I just wave back, that's all."

Azul was completely NOT convinced at what Jamil had said. First of all, he knows Jamil would not care if he saw Kalim waving, he either ignore that or pretend he didn't see Kalim there. Secondly, he notice Jamil never smile genuinely, like the one he saw right now. And lastly, you might be wondering why does he knows all of this, because it all it takes to know a liar is another liar.

So of course, Azul wouldn't let this chance to go away. But not only that, he had also took interest at person who scolded them, it was embarrassing for a Dorm leader to be scolded by a first year, yes, but seeing how he use magic, without any magical pen, he's not missing this chance, the first person or creature he knows that can only do that was the Dorm leader of Diasomnia.

Azul is not taking any chances away, so he decided to get "friendly" with Jamil, to get more information about Amir.

Of course Jamil knows what Azul was doing, and he's not buying it. But he was worried for Amir, 'Wait a minute, why would I worry? This is Amir we're talking about, he can just drop kick like it was nothing. Why am I worried?' He questioned himself, he felt a small warmth on his cheek, but it disappeared quickly.

The two boys heard the Coach's whistle, and turned their head to look for 'certain' someone.

And when they saw that 'certain' someone, they couldn't help but let that blush crawl to their face and let that blush bloom.


Amir was catching his breath a bit, because that's a lot of running and push-ups, when he saw a certain beastman walked closer to him.

"I'm surprised you can take all of that." The wolf beastman said, "half of them already broke down in the middle of running." He continued.

Before he could response, they notice another person was walking toward them, and it was Epel.

Epel was already tired from all of that, so when he notice two people still standing only catching a small breath from that, he was surprised, so he decided to come closer, he knows one of them, which was Amir.

"How can you two still be standing, only catching a few breaths?" He asked, still out of breath.

The two looked at before the beastman answered, "I've been working out when I was still a child just to help my family, I don't know about him." He told Epel, while pointing at Amir.

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