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Previously on Twisted Wonderland.


Then before I lost consciousness, I then remembered the same male who kept bothering my mind, and slept comfortably at my desk is.


Amir POV

I have arrived at my class, and it seem I was lucky enough to get here on time.

What I did next was to find where my sit is. I looked around a bit, and saw where I supposed to sit at, and it was next to the wolf beastman I sat next to back at the ceremony.

I then sit down where am I supposed to, and wait for the class starts. I then notice the beastman looked at me, but eventually take his attention off me, because the class had started. And our first class is History, the teacher introduced himself as, Mozus Trein and his familiar Lucius.

As the teacher do his teaching, the cat meowed along with him, and I was listening for sure, but the cat catch my whole attention. Before I new it the cat stared back at me, we did a small staring contest, before the cat decided to come closer.

The teacher looked at where his cat going, making him stop his teaching, and watch what will his cat do, I notice that and now the cat was on top of my table, the students, including the wolf beastman next to me gave us a confused look, I ignore them and took all my focus on to the cat.

I let my hand go close to the cat, but not that close to scare him, just enough to let him sniff my hands. Lucius did sniff my hands, before he rubbed his head to my hands. I felt myself get excited, before petting the cat.

I looked at the teacher who owns him, and gave him a look 'if it's alright to this?', he gave me nod, before continuing his teachings.


The class was boring, some students was falling asleep, I was still listening though, writing some important stuff on my notebook, while my other hand was petting the cat, who was now sleeping on my lap.

After that, the next class had arrived, making me force to wake the cat up, I carried Lucius back to his owner, and teacher thanked me and told me to go where my next class is, which is PE.

I then give the professor a goodbye, with petting the cat also who meowed back, before leaving.

I walked where the next class is, which is happening outside, I did change my uniform into my PE uniform.

In which consist of me wearing a black jumpsuit with bit of red and yellow lines, I did what I usually, change it to my own style. I only wear the pants part of it, with a black and red rubber shoes, I had one of my ankle a ankle bracelet, which is made of gold. I then wear a scarlet tank top, I removed my necklaces, but keep the everything else.

I then go where the rest of the students is, I notice some them are here, so I stand next closely to a short purple hair boy.

"Umm.. Hi." The purpled hair boy greeted, with a small smile.

I looked at him and greeted him back, the boy then introduced himself as Epel Felmier, and of course I also told him my name.

"You where the person who shouted at the dormheads right?" He asked, in which I nod in confirmation.

"Well, more like scolded, but I guess I did shouted at them." I added, while rubbing the back of my head.

He then chuckled at that, and said "I wish I could that." With a sad smile.

"Why you couldn't?" I raised a brow

"Well, I couldn't stand up for myself when my dorm leader told me things I don't want to do." He explain, while looking away.

I then look at him, before I could say something the PE teacher interrupted by introducing himself, he told us to call him Coach Vargas. He then told us that being a great sorcery needs a great physical constitution, and do a 20 laps, and a 100 push-ups. And that made me look at him with a deadpan look, thinking this was ridiculous.

Before that happened, he added that they're some second year joining, but they will be doing different.

After he said that I saw some 2nd year showed up, I noticed Jamil was there so I gave him a small wave to let him know that I'm here. He of course notice that, and gave a small smile and wave back, I notice someone called him, making him look away from me. Before I saw who it was, the teacher then told to do what he told us to do, some complained about it, but do what he say. And I of course did it without any complain.


A/N: I didn't know how to end it...

(Book 5 spoilers be like

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(Book 5 spoilers be like...) This chapter was an excuse to pose my art, because I didn't want to pose a another chapter without any new REAL chapter.



•Azul will be shown next chapter.

Epel admire Amir for standing up, and scolding the Dorm leaders.

•Lucius found another favorite human.

•Author might draw Amir in his PE uniform.

•Added fun fact, Author actually stressed out on how to draw Kalim's headband, like how the fuck do you design it? I couldn't find a picture of it's design, like I have to make it from scratch, like wha-?! (This is Author ranting btw, I did the design by scratch, but I had reference, and not by step-by-step on how to draw it, sorry about that)


(๑'✪̤◡✪̤)◞ღԵհɑղƘՏღ for reading~❤

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