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3rd POV


Amir has woken up from his slumber, and started to get ready for school.

As he finished he wore his uniform. You could see his upper part of his uniform from the cover page of this story (I know author is breaking 4th wall, but whatever), but he tied his hair into a long ponytail with a gold tie, along that ponytail is a braids at the both side of his head. His uniform style is that he wore a white button up underneath the red off shouldered sweater, with the uniform jacket, and the Scarabia armband on his right arm.

He then wore pants that doesn't cover his thighs, with flat black sandals, with a long straps covering his thighs. And let's not forget his golden accessories, his accessories he wore is the golden collar, rectangular golden necklace with a red rubies in the middle, along with black thin rope with a golden ring strap to it, with his ears cover in gold, ruby, and black piercings (I'll draw the ear piercing, soon). With both of his hands covered in rings, and bracelets. (That's a lot).

As he finished, he then grabbed his phone and wallet, and go to were Kalim and Jamil having breakfast.


He got there to only see Jamil cooking Kalim's breakfast, he then looked to what Jamil's cooking, before helping Jamil. Jamil then looked over Amir to see him preparing the rest of the step of what he is cooking.

"Y'know, I could finish this alone, right? " Jamil said, as he looked at what he is cooking, Amir just hummed in agreement before giving Jamil the next ingredient of what he is cooking, and Amir just told him, "I know that." As he continues to helped Jamil.

Then Jamil looked at him, and said, "then why are helping, you could just wait at the table until I finished, this is my job anyway." As he looks at Amir.

Amir then looked at him, with a deadpan looks, and proceeds to flick Jamil's forehead, making Jamil hissed a bit at the pain, as he touch his forehead.

"And you're an idiot for thinking that I would rather wait than helped." Amir told that to Jamil, as he continues of what he is doing.

"I've been doing this for a while now, Jamil, why can't you just let me help you?" He exclaimed, making Jamil looked away from him, making Amir sigh a bit.

Making Amir walked toward Jamil, Amir then grabbed Jamil's shoulder, making Jamil looked at him, as Amir proceed to hug Jamil, his arms around Jamil's hips, with his head on Jamil's shoulder.

Jamil had a hard time to process, before his face turning red. Jamil just froze, as he don't know what he'll do.

"A-amir could you just let go, I'm still cooking h-here." Jamil then cursed himself for stuttering and not accepting Amir's hug.

Amir then looked at Jamil, making Jamil realize that his face is closed to Amir's face, Jamil felt Amir's breathe, making his body shiver, as his face turning even more red than before.

Amir didn't say anything, as he removed his arms around Jamil, leaving his hands, as he closed that gapped, and he kissed softly the next to Jamil's right eye.

Jamil just once again froze, he felt his whole face turned even warmer, as he just standing there, with a very, VERY red face.

Amir just smirked at his reaction, he then let go of Jamil and said, "the rest of the ingredients is already there, I'll wake Kalim up." As he proceeds to leave a frozen Jamil at kitchen, like a fucking jerk he is, he then go to Kalim to wake him up.


As he got to Kalim's room, he shook Kalim to wake up, by throwing him off the bed, making Kalim wide awake. Kalim then asked why did he do that, which Amir said, "You need to take a shower, get dressed up, because breakfast is almost ready."

Kalim did what I told him, with Amir's help of course.


After that, they go back to the dining room to see Jamil with a already done breakfast. Kalim thanked Jamil for the food, with Amir did the same. Jamil didn't move on, on what Amir did to him, so he gave Amir small glare.

Kalim notice Jamil's glare toward his twin, he asked what Amir did to him. In which Amir answered him, "it was nothing, just gave him a quick kiss in his right eye, that's all."

Which Kalim nod in understanding and turn his head to Jamil, "Oh, then why are glaring Jamil, I thought you like it when Amir k-" before Kalim finished his sentence, Jamil quickly covered his mouth with his hand, and told Kalim to not finished that, with Jamil cheeks turning a bit red.

So Kalim did not finished his sentence, and continue his breakfast, the three of them fall into a quiet breakfast, with of course Kalim talked to Amir what's going here in the school.

Some of the Scarabia students have already left, or having breakfast in different place.

So after breakfast, Amir suggested to wash dishes, stopping Jamil from declining his request, Amir told him to go to class, along with Kalim.

Amir then told Kalim to go to class with Jamil, Kalim then nod, and dragging Jamil with him, as he wave goodbye to Amir.

Amir then chuckle at his action, as he starts to clean the dishes, he then remembered that he forgot to asked Kalim if he can change his dorm uniform. In which he decided to tell Kalim when they meet again.

Amir finished cleaning the dishes, he then cleaned some stuff, before leaving their dorm.


As he got to the main street, he noticed three figures closed to the Queen of Hearts Statue.

Amir then remembered that was the monster he captured yesterday, and he could only guess that the black haired male behind the monster is the magicless human.

And the third one, is not what he met, the third one has orange hair, with a red heart shaped marking over his left eye, with a Heartslabyul armband.

As what Amir saw, he saw the monster and the Heartslabyul student throwing attacks at one at another, with the magicless human trying to stop them.

He then saw the magicless person caught into the fire attack, that the monster attacked at the other student, which got deflected by the Heartslabyul student. In which the magicless human's hand got hit, making him hissed in pain.

But that didn't stop the other two, so Amir had to do something about it. He then got closer where the chaos is happening, another fire was once again deflected, directing the Queen of Hearts Statue.

The two who were fighting noticed this, and before the fire get hit at the statue, a ball of water surround the fire, making it disintegrate.

And the one who stops the fire, was the same person who captured Grim. And that person was Amir, who are looking at them with the same glare he use back at the ceremony.


•Amir have been doing that to Jamil in two years ago.

•Amir can have feelings toward two or more people, he just want to make sure if it isn't one-sided.

•Amir doesn't hesitate to flirt, when he knows someone likes him, truly. (Be ready future lovers >:D).

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