10k + Special

1.1K 54 12

This my thank you for giving me 10k+ reads in Wattpad, I actually never expected it to happen. So, thank you so much❤

And this is just mini oneshot/little story, and this is not included to the main story.



3rd POV

"Did you see the post last night?"

"You mean the one with Neige?"

"What do you think the person with Neige?"

"I mean, not gonna lie that person looks hot."

"Do you think they had any relationship?"

"That person with Neige looks beautiful."

And so on, about a post of a random person posted in the internet.

And the post was Neige talking to a another person, and it looks like they have know each other, so this post took a lot of people attention.

The thing is, Neige didn't deny or confirm something about this post, and so all of his fans trying to guess or theorize about the person with Neige, who this person is? Are they in a relationship? How long this person knows Neige? And a lot more.

And of course, that one person who hates Neige guts, was pissed.

Not only this post about Neige turned famous and took a lot of attention, a lot of people talked about this, even in the school he's attending at.

But, he can't let that post ruined his day, because today he had to do photo shooting, and he can't let this post ruined it.


He have arrived where he was supposed to be, and start his work.

His personal makeup artist, was fixing him up, they both had a small talk, until his makeup artist asked if he knows who's gonna be his partner for this shooting.

"The director never said who it is." The pretty boy, said.

"Oh, well... I wasn't allowed to say who it is, but I guess it would be better if you know."

The pretty boy raised a brow, before gesturing his makeup artist to go on.

The makeup artist take a deep breath, and tell him who it was.

"It's Neige."

And of course, the pretty boy stood up quickly, with a pissed look.

The makeup artist was trying to calm him down, and it worked a bit. As the pretty boy sat down, and let himself cool off, the makeup artist was fixing him a bit, and telling him that they didn't know what the director was planning.

The pretty boy calmed down, and before he planned to back out, the director assistant was knocking at the door of their dress room, telling the photo shoot would start within minutes.

The Smart Twin of The Nice One (Twisted Wonderland x MaleOC) Where stories live. Discover now