Unique Magic

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"Only one may enter here. One whose worth lies far within."


Amir had the ability to create his own personal dimension, that filled with vast riches and magical artifacts. That who knows where it come from.

The thing is, he can go inside of it back-in-forth without worries, but having someone go inside of it, instead of him is a challenge. You see, just like the Cave of Wonder, only one person may enter. And the challenge is that Amir will tell that someone to bring one specific item, only ONE, and they can have that one item IF they have successfully grab it, without any temptation of grabbing other treasures or stealing them. They could have it.

But if they fail, and tried to steal many of them, Amir had the power to close it and trap that person permanently in there. Keeping them inside, without anything. He can of course get them out, but where's the fun in that? He can also melt every thing in there, like put some lava there, he can do everything inside of the pocket dimension he created.

Anyway, the entrance shape of his pocket dimension is the same head shape of a tiger, that made of sand. That the entrance size is sizing up to 240 cm or 7"10.488' ft in height, and 330 cm on width. Not to big, but not too small.


"Respite in the scalding sands, a never ending party. Dance! Sing!"


↑ y'know that spell? Ye, I'm gonna change that.

Instead of making a pond of water or something like that, Kalim can Terraform.

But the size he can Terraform is probably a size of a huge pond/or a size of an oasis

Amir taught him to improve his ability, so now he can Terraform.

That's not it, he can make himself a magic wishing pond, but the thing is, you need to use a coin to make that wish.

Not an ordinary coin, or gold coin. Amir made a specific coin to be use on that wishing pond.

The only way to have that is to finish Kalim's challenge, that Amir prepared so it wouldn't be easy.


A/N: I haven't thought a lot more on Kalim, so yeah....

I'm making Kalim almost as powerful as Amir, but not as strong as Amir.

The reason why Amir is still powerful than Kalim, despite Kalim being the eldest twin.

Well, Amir has the advantage both brain and brawn, and Kalim is too nice and probably would hesitate to attack someone or to just try defending himself to someone, but he's trying.

However, on Amir side, Amir doesn't hesitate.

They both practiced magic, but Amir probably understand the concept of magic, so he just taught Kalim how to do it as well.

And also, Author wanted to think that the world of Twisted Wonderland is limiting magic.

Like how weak, and there only one signature spell could someone do. Yeah, they're limiting it.

Author like to think that magic is so powerful, that they're so afraid of what could happen. So as time went on they limit their magic, so it became so weak.

It only applied to humans and beastmans. Not to Fae, Fae are unpredictable, I like to think that the fae in the past could bend reality. Depending on Fae though.

But anyway, that's all of it, thanks for reading♥

The Smart Twin of The Nice One (Twisted Wonderland x MaleOC) Where stories live. Discover now