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"Now that's all over, I have a plan to finish this shit once and for all."


3rd POV

"A proper plan? Like some kinda buddy move? Is that a joke? How can you say something lame with the straightest face, Amir." Ace stated, while crossing his arm, and looking away.

"Agreed. No way could I work together with him." Deuce agreed, as he look at the different direction where Ace is looking.

Amir and Yuu look at them in a deadpan looks, they both look at each other, before nodding together.

"Fine by me, all I need is Yuu and Grim in this plan, while you two stay here and get expelled. I don't care." Amir exclaimed, as he saw the two flinched when he stated that.

Yuu and Grim agreed at Amir had said, and Grim added some to make it better, "Yeah, but... Gettin' expelled on the first day... That's pretty lame too. Maybe even lamer."

Ace cringe at that, trying to make an excuse, "Well...." But nothing came out.

As Deuce was silent, also making a cringe face.

Amir smirked, before asking, "Ready to hear the plan?"

Ace rubbed his head a bit hard, making his hair a bit messy, before saying, "Gah... Fine. Let's just get this over with."

"All right, Amir. What's the plan?" He ask, as he look at Amir.

Amir smiled, before telling his plan.



"Amir... Is this plan of yours really gonna work? I'm sca- I mean, I'm a little... uh, hungry." Grim tried to deny.

Amir then petted the top of his head and said nothing, but before anyone could say anything Amir started to call out the monster.

"OY! Over here prick!"

The monster slowly coming out of the mine as it start to roar, "Grrraaawrrr! BEGOOOOONE!"

Grim told Amir and Yuu that the monster is coming there way, as Yuu started to also distract the monster.

"Right over here, monster!"

As he said that, he, and Amir run far away from the mine entrance.

The monster followed them, as it once screamed again. "Grrurgh? Thieeef thiiis waaay tooooo... Neeevvva giiive stooones! Neeevvvaaa!" As the monster slammed its hand to the ground, making the ground cracked.

"Eep! If it lands one of those punches, we're toast!" Grim commented, as Yuu told to them to lure the monster far away from the entrance.

"Begooone! BEGOOOOOOONE!" The monster shouted.

The group finally got a good distance, as Amir told the three to attack the monster.

"You bet. I got this! One extra-large gust of wind, comin' up!" As Ace said that he quickly someone a burst of wind magic to surround the monster.

"With a side of Grim's blazin'-hot fire! MYAAAH!" Grim said as he blasted a surprisingly big enough fire ball. As they did that, there magic fuse and made a fire tornado to surround the monster.

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