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The two then walked in a different direction, as the first class ring its bell.


3rd POV


Timeskip to the whole class, so now it's already Break Time.

Amir got earlier than the troublemakers, and he makes his way toward where Kalim and Jamil are.

But when he got there, he saw three new people sitting across his sibling and his 'friend'.

"Ah, Amir! We have someone with us today, I hope it doesn't mind you?" Kalim exclaimed, as Amir watch the boy with light-grey hair greet him.

"You must be Amir, nice to meet you." A boy with glasses greeted, as he held out a hand to shake with Amir.

"I would say the same thing if I get to know who you are." Amir stated, but he still shake the boy's hand.

Amir saw Jamil's face turn a bit bitter, while the other introduce himself. "Oh, my mistake. My name is Azul Ashengrotto, The Dorm leader of Octavinelle."

Azul then gestured to the twin next to him, "And this two are my trusted friends, Jade and Floyd."

One of the twin, who was way organized made a nod, as the other one gave him a lazy grin.

The disorganized twin look at Amir, before pointing at him and stating, "You'll be Tigerfish for now on." As he made a closed eye grin.

Amir raised a brow, as the other twin shake his head.

"Floyd, don't just do that." The organized twin scolded, looking at the other twin, who was named Floyd.

He then take his attention toward Amir, and apologize. "Sorry, about that. Floyd just like giving nicknames to others."

"It's fine. He's not the first one who gave me nickname." Amir shrugged, but with that statement Floyd grin widely and look at his twin.

"See, Jade. He doesn't mind." He stated proudly.

The organized twin, who was known as Jade, sigh and shake his head in amusement.

"Will you be sitting with us, Amir?" Kalim asked, as he got close to Amir.

Before Amir could answer, they all heard a noise at the food stall.

They all look, and saw two upperclassmen picking a fight with the first years, and those first years are none other than the troublemakers.

Amir look at them in disappointment, as he look at Kalim and answer.

"Thanks for the invite Kal, but I guess I'll be sitting with the troublemakers today."

When he said that, Jamil couldn't help but state a fact to Amir, and question him at the end. "You already got in trouble because of them. Are you sure about that, Amir?"

Amir just nod, before going to where the troublemakers are.

After Amir had left, Azul just asked Jamil a question. "So... Jamil, do you mind me asking why are you so worried about Amir? I mean, your duty is on Kalim, right? So why?"

Jamil glared at him, while Azul smirked.

But the who answered was Kalim, "Oh! That's because-" and before Kalim completely answered, Jamil shoved a spoonful of Kabsa(another Arabic cuisine) into Kalim's mouth. Making Kalim shut up, as Jamil made an excuse.

The Smart Twin of The Nice One (Twisted Wonderland x MaleOC) Where stories live. Discover now